Implementation of various training programmes under the Training for All Scheme for the FY 2022-23: DOPT

Implementation of various training programmes under the Training for All Scheme for the FY 2022-23: DOPT

Submission of Online proposals for implementation of various training programmes under the Training for All Scheme for the FY 2022-23: DOPT

No.T-16011/2/2022-TFA (CN 3163506)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
(Training Division)

Old JNU Campus, New Delhi-67.
Dated the 10th February, 2022


The Heads of All State / UT ATIs

Sub: Submission of Online proposals for implementation of various training programmes under the Training for All Scheme for the FY 2022-23 -reg.


I am directed to say that under the “Training for All” Scheme, this Department sponsors various training programmes under different components every year.

2. Accordingly. proposals for conducting the training programmes under the following components are invited for the year 2022-23:

(i) State Category Training Programme (SCTP)

(ii) Trainers Development Programme (TDP)

(iii) Comprehensive Modified Modules on Induction ‘Training (COMMIT)

3. The proposals are required to be submitted only online through this Department’s website by using the unique User ID and Password already provided to the ATIs. Accordingly, the proposals received manually shall not be considered. Terms and conditions for conducting the courses under these components are enclosed.

4. In addition to the above, proposals are also invited under Augmentation of Capacity of Training Institutes (ACTI) component of the Scheme for augmenting training infrastructure of the ATIs. The terms and conditions relevant to the component are being finalized in this Department and the same shall be communicated in due course. Further, the State ATIs/CTIs are also requested to encourage their faculty members and Master Trainers / Recognized Trainers developed by this Department under TDP programmes to submit applications for undergoing short-term domestic training programme / correspondence courses conducted by the Government Institutes of repute for honing their knowledge and skills. For eligibility and other conditions, this Department’s letter No. 12021/02/2013- Trg.I dated 15.05.2012 may be referred to.

5. It may please be noted that the proposals submitted by the Institutions under different components shall be finalized by this Department after taking into consideration the priority areas of the Central Government and also past record of the training institutes in conducting the courses.

6. It may also kindly be noted that the proposals for the year 2022-23 will be considered only after receiving Utilization Certificates (in prescribed format i.e. 12-C) in respect of the funds released by this Department till FY 2021-22. Further, no programme will be sponsored to such Institute, which have not yet started filing expenditure details in EAT Module of PFMS.

7. It is, therefore, requested to submit the proposals online at the earliest, latest by 28th February, 2022.

Yours faithfully,

Encl. As above.

(D. Ramesh Babu)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

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