Bank Account Validation Status for Refund – Income Tax Message

Bank Account Validation Status for Refund – Income Tax Message dated 13.09.2023
Check Bank A/c validation Status For Refund.
Has your bank merged with another bank?
Has your bank branch changed?
Has your bank account number changed?
Has Your name in Bank Account changed?
Has your bank account closed or become inactive?
Has IFSC Code of your bank account changed?
You need to Update/ Revalidate your Bank A/c details on e-filing portal.
To update/revalidate your bank account details, login to: > Profile > My bank Accounts > Click on three vertical dots > Choose Revalidate>make required changes in data for updating details > Click on Validate button.
For adding a new bank account, login to > Profile > My bank Accounts > Add bank account > fill the required details > Click on Validate button.
After some time, you can check the status of bank account Validation.
Once the Status of Bank account changes to Validated, don’t forget to nominate it for refund by enabling the ‘Nominate for Refund’ button.
If the bank account validation has failed, you can remove that bank account by clicking on the three vertical dots on “My bank accounts” screen.
Please ensure that only those bank accounts, which are linked with PAN should be validated and nominated for refund. Refund cannot be credited to Bank A/c not linked with PAN.
For more info: Watch the video ‘How to pre-validate your bank account’ -
For Any further assistance you may reach IT helpdesk contact numbers: 18001030025,180041940025(Toll free) & +91-80-46122000, +91-80-61464700