Comprehensive Transfer Policy – Eligibility service condition for Non-Gazetted Employees on IRRT: Railway Board

Comprehensive Transfer Policy – Eligibility service condition for Non-Gazetted Employees on Inter-Railway Request Transfer (IRRT): Railway Board Order dated 10.03.2022
RBE No. 28/2022
(रेलवे बोर्ड RAILWAY BOARD)
No. E(NG)I-2017/TR/24
New Delhi dated 10.03.2022
(E-File No. 3228646)
The General Manager (P)
All Zonal Railways/Production Units
(As per standard List).
Sub: Comprehensive Transfer Policy — eligibility service condition for Non-Gazetted Employees on Inter-Railway Request Transfer (IRRT).
Ref.: Railway Board’s letter No. E(O)ITI-2014/PL/05 dated 31.08.2015.
Attention is invited to Para (xi) of Board’s letter E(O)III-2014/PL/05 dated 31.08.2015 on the subject referred to above, wherein it was stated that in the case of Non-Gazetted Railway employees, no inter-railway transfer requests will be considered till completion of five (05) years of joining Railway.
2. References have been received from Zonal Railways that they find difficulties to relieve the employees on transfer for considerably long periods for want of reliever to man important especially in safety category posts, which cannot be left vacant. Though, the employees having applied consciously for recruitment against the vacancy advertised by the Zonal Railway to which he is appointed, has no legal claim/right to such transfer to places near his hometown. It is only considered on sympathetic grounds in very special cases of hardships. A large number of transfer requests from newly recruited employees and their relieving by Railway adversely affecting the smooth functioning for want of trained manpower.
3. The matter has accordingly, been considered by Board (CRB & CEO) and in partial modification of Board’s letter cited above, it has now been decided that the minimum service period should be enhanced for IRRT from five year to ten years. However, the categories of staff for which such enhancement would be applicable may be decided by the General Manager in consultation with Unions for the concerned Zonal Railway.
DA: As above
(Sanjay Kumar)
Dy. Director/Estt.(N)
Railway Board
Ph. No.43658/011-23303658
E-mail Id- sanjay.kumar6[at]