Retention of govt. quarters by CPF personnel in LWE areas
The Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, has decided to grant facility of retention of Government accommodation at the last place of posting for Central Paramilitary Force personnel (BSF, CRPF, CISF, ITBP, SSB, AR & NSG) deployed/posted in Left Wing Extremism (LWE) affected areas/district (except State Capitals), as notified by the Government of India from time to time, on payment of flat rate/normal licence fee. However, as and when the Officers are posted out of LWE affected area, they will be required to vacate the accommodation retained by them within two months.
Full Text of OM No. 27012/42/2009-PF.III dated 14.07.2012 is reproduced below :
Government of India/Bharat Sarkar
Ministry of Home Affaris/Grih Mantralaya
North Block, New Delhi – 110 001
Dated 14th July, 2012
The Directors General
New Delhi.
Sub: Extension of the facility of retention of Government accommodation at the last place of posting for Central Paramilitary Force (CPF) personnel deployed in LWE affected areas.
I am directed to convey sanction of the Government for extension of the facility of retention of Government accommodation at the last place of posting for Central Paramilitary Force personnel (BSF, CRPF, CISF, ITBP, SSB, AR & NSG) deployed/posted in Left Wing Extremism (LWE) affected areas/district (except State Capitals), as notified by the Government of India from time to time, on payment of flat rate/normal licence fee. The CPF personnel transferred from North-Eastern Region and J&K to the above mentioned LWE affected areas/districts will also be allowed to retain the accommodation already retained by them. It is clarified in this regard that if they were to surrender the accommodation and move their family to another private accommodation, I HRA will be admissible on this account.
2. LWE affected districts/areas for this purpose will be the districts (excel State Capitals) as identified/notified for implementation of Security Relate Expenditure (SRE) scheme by Naxal Management Division of this Minister from time to time.
3. This order will be applicable to all personnel of CPFs posted a physically working in the districts as at para 2 above, and occupying Government accommodation.
4. As and when CPF personnel are posted out of LWE affected areas, they will be required to vacate the accommodation retained by them within two months. While ensuring that the Government accommodation is vacate within the stipulated time, the Directors General of the concerned CPFs would endorse a copy of the posting order of CPF personnel out of the LWE affected areas in respect of General Pool accommodation, to Ministry of Urban Development and Ministry of Home Affairs in all cases.
Yours faithfully,
(H.Kam Suanthang)
Under Secretary of the Government of India