One-time relaxation to the allottees of GPRA in view of second wave of COVID-19

One-time relaxation to the allottees of General Pool Residential Accommodation (GPRA) in view of second wave of COVID-19: Suspension of bidding for June, 2021 and re-validation of authority slip
No. 1 2035/2/2020-Pol.II
Government of India
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
Directorate of Estates
Policy-II Section
Nirman Bhavan
New Delhi-110108
Dated the 31st May, 2021
Sub: One-time relaxation to the allottees of General Pool Residential Accommodation (GPRA) in view of second wave of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)- suspension of bidding for June, 2021 and re-validation of authority slip.
The undersigned is directed to refer to Directorate’s OM of even number dated 13.05.2021 and say that due to second wave of COVID-19 and hardships faced by Government employees in accepting allotted houses/ obtaining authority slips, it has been decided by the competent authority to grant one time relaxation in the following provision of CGGPRA Rules, 2017,
a) All the allottees of GPRA, who have done bidding for the month of April and May, 2021 , but could not obtain authority slip or take possession after obtaining authority slip due to spread of second wave of COVID-19. will be allotted accommodation after the period of suo-moto retention (i.e. upto 30.06.2021) is over. so that no problem is faced by them in taking authority slip or technical/physical occupation.
b) Bidding for the month of June, 2021 may be suspended as there will be hardly any vacancies available for bidding due to suo-moto retention i.e. upto 30.06.2021 issued vide OM of even number dated 13.05.2021.
c) In case applicant fail to accept any allotted houses, he/she shall not be debarred from bidding for three/six months whichever the case may be, as per rule 17( 1 ) and 1 7(3) of CGGPRA Rules, 2017.
d) Allottees who were issued authority slips but could not take possession within 5 working days of acceptance of allotted accommodation during the period of second wave of Covid-19, shall be re-validated for taking physical possession in relaxation of Rule 16(I) of CGGPRA Rules, 2017.
e) Licence fee shall be charged from the date of physical possession of CGPRA on the basis of re-validated authority slips in relaxation of Rule 73(1) of CGGPRA Rules. 2017.
2. NIC shall validate the already issued authority slips of all such allottees who could not take possession because of Corona situation after such requests are verified by the concerned Allotment Sections/AEMs in Regions.
3. Allottees may be asked to obtain their revised Physical Occupation Report duly verified by concerned JE on the basis of supporting documents or physical verification , if necessary. The relaxation shall be given on case to case basis after examination by concerned Allotment Sections.
(M. C. Sonowal)
Deputy Director of Estates (Policy)
Phone : 011 -2306 2505
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One-time relaxation to the allottees of GPRA in view of second wave of COVID-19
One-time relaxation to the allottees of GPRA in view of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
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