No individual/officer is allotted more than one unit of GPRA: Directorate of Estates

No individual/officer is allotted more than one unit of GPRA under any circumstance: Directorate of Estates OM dated 06.08.2021
No. 12035/16/2021-Pol.II/304
Government of India
Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs
Directorate of Estates
Nirman Bhawan,
New Delhi – 110108
Dated: 6th August, 2021
Subject: Implementation of the decision taken in the Case No. 108/CCA/2021 in the meeting of Cabinet Committee on Accommodation held on 18.06.2021 -reg.
The undersigned is directed to refer to the CCA meeting held on 18.06.2021 and to say that Vide Case No. 108/CCA/2021, the Committee directed the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs to ensure that no individual/officer is allotted more than one unit of GPRA under any circumstance.
2. Accordingly. all the Allotment Section may ensure that no individual/officer is allotted more than one unit of GPRA, under any circumstances.
3. This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.
(M.C. Sonowal)
Deputy Director of Estates (Policy)
Ph. No. 23062505
1) All the Divisions/Section of Directorate of Estates.
2) DD, Regions – for circulating this decision to all the regional GPRA locations.
3) DD, Computer for necessary action and information.