Cooperation with maintenance agency by allotees of General Pool residential accommodation
Cooperation with maintenance agency by allotees of General Pool residential accommodation – Directorate of Estate to take action within three days against allotees
Ministry of Urban Development issued an OM regarding Cooperation  with maintenance  agency  by  the  allottees  and neighbours of allottees  to carry out repair/renovation  works in the houses  and maintenance  of harmonious   relations  with neighbours by the allottees  of general pool residential accommodation.
Government  of India
Ministry of Urban Development
Directorate  of Estates
Policy-II Â Section
Nirman  Bhavan,
New Delhi – Â 110 108.
Dated the 24th February, Â 2015
Sub:  Cooperation  with  maintenance  agency  by  the  allottees  and neighbours of allottees  to carry out repair/renovation  works in the houses  and maintenance  of harmonious   relations  with neighbours by the allottees  of general pool residential accommodation.
The undersigned  is directed  to refer  the Directorate  of Estates O.M.  of even number  dated  6.9.2005  wherein  it  was requested  to maintain   harmonious relation  with  neighbours  by  the  allottees of general  pool  residential accommodation.  It has been  brought  to the notice  of the Directorate  of Estates  that  neighbours  of some allottees have  created  problems  to the  maintenance  agency  such  as  CPWD, NBCC etc.  by obstructing  them  from carrying  out  repair/renovation works  in  the allortee’s  house.  Due  to  this  non-cooperation   by  the neighbour,  the repair/renovation   works  come  to  stand still and  the allottee  in whose  house  the work has to be carried  out suffers due to no fault  on  his/her  part.   This  kind  of harassment   to  an  allottee cannot  be tolerated  and non-cooperative  neighbour  has to cooperate with  the  maintenance agency  to  carry  out  their  works.  Otherwise loss of time and money incurs to the Government.
2.      The  matter  has  been  examined in the  Ministry  of  Urban Development   and it  has  been  decided  by  the  competent authority that  all  allottees  of  general pool residential  accommodation  will cooperate with  respective  maintenance    agencies  of  residential accommodation  in Government  colonies  in carrying  out  all kinds  of repair/renovation   works  and maintain  harmonious  relationship  with their  neighbours.  No  allottee  shall  be  an impediment to the maintenance  agency  in carrying  out  their  work  and  will  cooperate with them. In  case a complaint  is received from maintenance  agency against  any allottee  of general  pool  residential accommodation,  strict action   will  be taken against him/her as per the Allotment    of Government  Residences (General  Pool in Delhi) Rules,  1963 and the instructions   issued  by this Directorate from  time  to time.
3.      In   the  event   of  any  allottee is  not   cooperating  with   the maintenance agency  while  carrying  out  their  works, CPWD  or  any other  maintenance   agency  shall  write  to  the  Directorate of Estates and  the  concerned   Allotment  Section  in  the  Directorate    of  Estates shall  take  appropriate  action  against  the allottee  as deemed  fit within three  days under  intimation   to the  maintenance  agency.
4.      All  Ministries/Departments of  the Government of India   are requested  to circulate  these  instructions among  its employees  and request them  to  maintain harmonious relationship with  neighbours and  cooperate  with  maintenance agency  of  Government residential colonies.
5.      Service  Centres   of  CPWD etc. are   requested  to  display  these instructions on  their  notice board and  bring invariably   to  the  notice
of a non-cooperative allottee,  if required.
(Swarnali  Banerjee)
Deputy  Director  of Estates(Policy)
(0) Â 2306 2505
1.       All Ministries/Departments   of the Government of India
2.      Directorate  General, CPWD, Nirman Bhavan
3.      All Officers and Sections in the Directorate of Estates
4.      All Regional Offices of the Directorate  of Estates & CPWD
Copy for information  to:
1.    PSO to Secretary,  MoUD
2.      PPS to Joint  Secretary(L&E), MoUD
3.      PS to DE/DE-II
4.      Sr.Technical Director, NIC, Nirman Bhavan.
–     With a request  to upload the OM on the website of DoE.
6.      DD(OL)  –  for translation
7.      Guard File
(K.Dinakar Raj)
Assistant Director of Estates(Policy-II)
Download OM No.12035/16/2005-Pol.II issued by Directorate  of Estates