Scheme for providing facilities to the Employees with Disabilities

DoPT circular on Scheme for providing facilities to the Employees with Disabilities to help them discharge their duties more conveniently and effectively.
No. B-11011/1/2016-Ad-III
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)
North Block, New Delhi
Dated 11th March, 2016
Subject: Scheme for providing facilities to the Employees with Disabilities of Department of Personnel & Training – reg.
In accordance with this Department’s O.M. No. 36035/3/2013 – Estt (Res) dated 31.03.2014 a scheme for providing facilities to the Employees with Disabilities in this Department has been formulated.
2. The detail of the Scheme are enclosed & circulated herewith.
(Kulbhushan Malhotra)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Scheme for providing facilities to the Employees with Disabilities of Department of Personnel and Training:-
Name of the Schemes:-
To provide facilities to the Employees with Disabilities working in Department of Personnel and Training, for ease of doing their day to day office work. The Scheme will come into effect from next financial year i.e. from April, 2016.
Objective of the Scheme:-
The objective of the Scheme is to enable and empower Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) of this Department by providing certain additional facilities to help them discharge their duties more conveniently and effectively.
Facilities under the Scheme: –
The Scheme provides the following facilities to the PwDs:-
• Wheelchairs (Motorised, if required)
• Special furniture
• Hearing aids with battery
• Low vision aids
•Smart Cane
• Special Software/ computers
•Braille Signage near lift area, toilets, canteen, fire, exit etc. /Room Numbering/ Section Name
• Provision of Beep sound in biometric attendance system
• Induction/job specific training
PwD employees who are serving in DoPT.
Implementation process:–
Employees with disability would be given option to apply for the items mentioned above to the Administration Division through proper channel, which will be examined on case to case basis and decided with the approval of competent authority.
Grievance Redressal:-
Shri Suresh Kumar DS (Admn), is the nodal authority /Grievance Officer to address the issues, if any, relating to operation and procurement of special items, as mentioned above.
Download DoPT Circular No. B-11011/1/2016-Ad-III dated 11.03.2016