Clarification on application of FR49 – Appointments to higher Post
DOPT issues clarification on FR49 for processing Appointments to higher Post by Ministries and Departments
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions has issued an OM on FR49 and Clarifications regarding application of FR49.
F.No. 4/212014-Estt.(Pay-11)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel  and Training
North Block,,New Delhi
dated  16th April,2015
Subject:         Clarification  regarding application of FR 49 –  regarding
This  Department  undertook  a review  of FR 49 with  a view  to ensure  that the provisions ·of the  FR are applied  in public interest  and the spirit of the FR is maintained.    It  has  been decided  that the following  points  may be kept in view  by Ministries/ Departments  while  processing  cases for giving additional  charge –
(i)        The provisions  of FR  49 apply  only to Government servants. Appointments  of an employee  of an autonomous  body/PSU  etc to another such body would  be governed by the Rules of the individual’s  employer;
(ii)       The provisions of FR  49 are applicable  to cases where  the  post held by the Government  servant  and the  post to which  he is appointed  are under the Government.
(iii)       Additional  pay for  holding  additional  charge of the posts in  PSUs,  autonomous bodies etc.  is  not  permissible  under FR-49.
(iv)     Appointments  made under FR  49 should follow the spirit  of the  FR  to meet short term  requirements only and it may be ensured that  the  provisions are not used to indirectly  confer  promotional  benefits in lieu  of promotion.
(v)      Instructions  of Ministry  of Finance  issued vide  OM No.  7(7)/E.Coord/93  dated 3rd  May 1993  read with  OM No. 7(4)/E.Coord(l)/2001   dated 27th March 2001 regarding  ‘economy  in  administrative  expenditures  –  guidelines for abolition of posts’  may be kept in  view in this  regard so that  approval of Ministry of Finance  for  revival  of post(s)  is obtained  wherever necessary before assigning the additional  charge of posts.
(vi)       While,  the  language of the  FR 49 provides for appointment  to a higher post, no occasion  for  appointing  a Government servant to a post next above or even higher than the  post next  in hierarchy  should arise.  Such appointments  may not be made without the approval  of Department  of Personnel  and Training.
(vii)     Though  appointments   covered  under  FR   49(i)  are  not  promotion,  the Government  Servant  so appointed gets the  pay of the  higher  post. While it may not  be  necessary to  go strictly  by seniority  in  making  such  stop  gap arrangements,  as far  as possible the  senior most officer  holding  the  lower post in the  Department  may be so appointed.  The suitability  of the officer for discharging  the  functions  of the  post should  also  be assessed. If the  post requires  any specialised skill/experience/training,    the person most suited for the task may be appointed.
(viii)      No  person who  is  facing  a disciplinary proceeding or is otherwise not suitable (for  example who has an adverse entry  in a recent APAR)  should be given the additional  charge.
(ix)         The  orders for appointments  may be issued  only after obtaining  the approval of the authority  competent  to make appointments to the post.
2.        It is requested  that the above information  may be brought to the notice of all  concerned.
(A. K. Jain)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India