Reservation Registers and Roaster Registers – Central Government Reservation Policy

Central Government Reservation Policy – Initial Preparation of Reservation Register/ Roaster & Grouping of Posts
5.1 In case of cadres having more than 13 posts, all appointing authorities should maintain reservation registers in the format given in Annexure-I.
5.2 Reservation roster registers will be maintained in format given in the Annexure-II for cadres having less than 14 posts.
5.3 Following principles shall be followed for preparation and maintenance of reservation registers and reservation roster registers:
(a) Separate registers/ roster registers shall be maintained for appointments made by direct recruitment and promotion. In case of promotion, separate registers / roster registers shall be maintained for each mode of promotion viz. limited competitive examination, selection, non-selection, etc.
(b) A common register / roster register shall be maintained for permanent appointments and temporary appointments likely to become permanent or to continue indefinitely.
(c) A separate register / roster register shall be maintained for purely temporary appointments of 45 days or more but which have no chance whatever of becoming permanent or continuing indefinitely.
(d) Immediately after an appointment is made, the particulars of the person appointed shall be entered in the register / roster register in the appropriate columns and the entry signed by the appointing authority or by an officer authorized to do so.
(e) No gap shall be left in completing the register / roster register.
(f) The register / roster register shall be maintained in the form of a running account year after year. For example if recruitment in a year stops at point 6, recruitment in the following year shall begin from point 7.
(g) If reservation register becomes unwieldy or difficult to manage, a fresh register may be started by applying the method of initial preparation of registers.
(h) In case of cadres where reservation is given by rotation, fresh cycle of roster shall be started after completion of all the points in the roster.
(i) Since reservation does not apply to deputation/absorption, where the recruitment rules prescribe a percentage of posts to be filled by these methods, such posts shall be excluded for determining reservations.
(j) After every recruitment year, an account shall be noted in the reservation register indicating representation of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/Other Backward Classes and details of backlog reserved vacancies etc.
Note: Reservation registers / roster registers are only an aid to ensure that Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes get quota reserved for them. These registers/ roster registers do not determine seniority.
Grouping of Posts
5.4 In the case of posts filled by direct recruitment, small cadres may be grouped with posts in the same group for the purpose of reservation orders taking into account the status, salary and qualifications prescribed for the posts in question.
5.5 The posts of Sweepers should not be grouped for the purpose of reservation, with other categories of Group D posts, even though the number of posts of Sweepers may not be large in an office /establishment.
5.6 Proposals for grouping of posts should be referred to the Department of Personnel & Training for prior approval together with full particulars of the posts proposed to be grouped together in the following respect:
(i) Designation and number of each post.
(ii) Group to which the posts belong i.e. Group A, Group B, Group C or Group D.
(iii) Scale of pay of each post.
(iv) Method of recruitment for each post as provided in the recruitment rules.
(v) Minimum qualifications prescribed for direct recruitment to each post.
5.7 While reservations would be made according to the groups as provided above, the total reservation in any of the posts/services so grouped should not exceed 50 per cent of the vacancies to be filled in it i.e. in the particular post/service, in a recruitment year. The total reservation for SCs, STs and OBCs in any post or service should also not exceed 50 percent of the total number of posts in the particular post/service.
Initial Preparation of Reservation Register / Roster
5.8 In order to prepare the reservation register initially, names of all the candidates holding the post as on the date of starting the reservation register may be entered in the register starting with the earliest appointee who was in the cadre as on the date of start of register. If an appointee in the cadre is a Scheduled Caste candidate, SC may be entered in column 4 of the register against his name. If that candidate was appointed by reservation, SC may be written in column 5 also but if he was appointed on his own merit, UR will be written in column 5. If the next appointee is a general category candidate, general shall be written in column 4 against his name and UR in column 5, and so on till all the appointments are adjusted. After making entries as indicated above, details about the number of SC, ST and OBC candidates appointed by reservation, backlog reserved vacancies, if any, may be indicated in ‘Remarks’ column.
5.9 After initial preparation of the register, the names of persons appointed thereafter may be added by filling up the columns as stated above.
5.10 Roster registers shall be maintained for cadres with 2 to 13 posts. For preparing roster, names of all the incumbents in the cadre as on 2.7.1997 may be entered in the register starting from the earliest appointee. If an appointee in the cadre is a Scheduled Caste candidate, SC may be entered in column 5 of the register against his name. If that candidate was appointed by reservation, SC may be written in column 6 also but if he was appointed on his own merit, UR will be written in column 6. If the next appointee is a general category candidate, general shall be written in column 5 against his name and UR in column 6, and so on till all appointments are adjusted. In doing so, a general category candidate may appear on a reserved point and an SC/ST/OBC candidate may appear against an unreserved point. If name of an SC/ST/OBC candidate appointed by reservation is entered against a general point, entries may be made in remarks column against that point and also against nearest point reserved for SCs/STs/OBCs, as the case may be, to the effect that such a candidate is to be treated to have been adjusted against the relevant reserved point. Likewise, entries will be made in remarks column for candidates who are appointed as general category candidates but whose names appear against reserved points. Similar adjustments will be made in respect of SC candidates appearing against a point reserved for STs or OBCs and so on. After all the 14 points are consumed, fresh cycle of the roster may be started. As many roster points may be treated to have been consumed on the date of start of the roster register as many employees occupy the roster points as on the date of start of the register. From that point onward, vacancies may be filled as per roster points subject to adjustment of reserved category candidates appointed by reservation and general category candidates as explained above.
SC/ST/OBC Candidates Appointed on Merit
5.11 SC, ST and OBC candidates in case of direct recruitment and SC and ST candidates in case of promotion, appointed on their own merit and not owing to reservation should not be shown against reserved quota. They will be adjusted against unreserved quota.
5.12 If an unreserved vacancy arises in a cadre and there is any SC/ST candidate within the normal zone of consideration in the feeder grade, such SC/ST candidate cannot be denied promotion on the plea that the post is not reserved. Such a candidate will be considered for promotion along with other candidates treating him as if he belongs to general category. In case he is selected, he will be appointed to the post and will be adjusted against the unreserved point.
5.13 Only such SC/ST/OBC candidates who are selected on the same standard as applied to general candidates shall be treated as own merit candidates. If any SC/ST/OBC candidate is selected by getting any relaxation in experience qualification, number of permitted chances in written examination, zone of consideration etc., he/she shall be counted against reserved vacancies. Such a candidate cannot be considered for appointment against an unreserved vacancy.
5.14 SC/ST candidates appointed on their own merit (by direct recruitment or promotion) and adjusted against unreserved points will retain their status of SC/ST and will be eligible to get benefit of reservation in future/further promotions, if any.
5.15 50% limit on reservation will be computed by excluding such reserved category candidates who are appointed/ promoted on their own merit.
[OMs No.36028/17/2001-Estt(Res) dated 11/07/2002, 36028/17/2001-Estt(Res) date 31/01/2005 and 36012/45/2005-Estt.(Res.) 10/08/2010]
Adjustment of Compassionate Appointees
5.16 A person selected for appointment on compassionate grounds should be adjusted in the reservation register/ reservation roster register against the appropriate category viz. SC/ST/OBC/UR category depending upon the category to which he belongs. For example, if he belongs to SC, he shall be adjusted against a vacancy reserved for SCs. Similarly if he is an ST or OBC candidate, he shall be adjusted against vacancy reserved for STs or OBCs, as the case may be. An unreserved category candidate shall be adjusted against an unreserved vacancy. (O.M.No.14014/6/1995- Estt(D) dated 26.09.1995)
Relevant Office Memoranda etc.
1 | MHA OM NO. 7/2/55-Estt(SCT) | 14.10.1955 |
2 | MHA OM No. 31/10/63-SCT(1) | 27.3.1963 and 2.5.1963 |
3 | MHA OM NO. 1/11/69-Estt(SCT) | 22.4.1970 |
4 | DOP&T O.M. No. 1/4/70-Estt. (SCT) | 11.11.1971 |
5 | DPAR OM NO. 10/52/72-Estt(SCT) | 24.5.1974 |
6 | DOP&T O.M. No.8/1/74 -Estt.(SCT) | 12.12.1974 |
7 | DPAR OM NO. 36011/1/76-Estt(SCT) | 6.3.1976 |
8 | DOP&AR OM NO. 36011/33/81-Estt(SCT) | 5.10.1981 |
9 | DPAR OM No. 36011/46/81-Estt(SCT) | 4.2.1982 |
10 | DOP&AR OM No. 36012/3/1978-Estt(SCT) | 9.2.1982 |
11 | DPAR OM NO. 36011/12/82-Estt(SCT) | 26.6.1982 |
12 | DPAR OM No. 36011/28/83-Estt(SCT) | 12.3.1984 |
13 | DOPT’s O.M.No.14014/6/1995-Estt(D) | 26.09.1995 |
14 | DOPT’s OM No. 36011/1/98-Estt(Res) | 1.7.1998 |
15 | DOPT’s OM NO. 36028/17/2001-Estt(Res) | 11.7.2002 |
16 | DOP&T O.M No.36017/1/2004-Estt.(Res) | 5.7.2005 |
17 | DOPT OM No.36017/1/2007-Estt.(Res) | 4.7.2007 |
18 | DOPT OM No. 36012/45/2005-Estt(Res) | 10.8.2010 |
Annexure-I to Chapter- 5
- Name of the post:
- Method of Recruitment: DR/Promotion by selection/ Promotion by non-selection/Promotion by Limited Departmental Examination.
- Number of posts in the cadre (cadre strength):
- Percentage of Reservation prescribed : SCs , STs , OBCs _
No. |
Name | Date of appointment | Whether belongs to SC/ST/ OBC/ General | Filled as UR or as reserved for SC/ ST OBC | Signature of appointing authority or other authorised officer | Remarks |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Annexure-II to Chapter- 5
- Name of the post:
- Method of Recruitment: DR/Promotion by selection/Promotion by non-selection/Promotion by Limited Departmental Examination.
- Number of posts in the cadre:
- Percentage of Reservation prescribed: SCs , STs , OBCs
Cycle No./ point No. | UR or reserved for SCs/ STs / OBCs | Name | Date of appointment | Whether SC/ST /OBC/ General | Filled as UR or as reserved for SCs/ STs /OBCs | Signature of appointing authority or other authorised officer. | Remarks |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |