Withdrawal of restrictions on provision of linen, blankets and curtains inside the train: Railway Board

Withdrawal of restrictions on provision of linen, blankets and curtains inside the train: Railway Board Order dated 10.03.2022
(रेल मंत्रालय) MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS)
(रेलवे बोर्ड) RAILWAY BOARD)
No.TC-II/2910/2020/SOP-Rail- Covid 19 (3335953)
New Delhi, dated 10.03.2022
The General Managers,
All Zonal Railways. ,
Sub: Withdrawal of restrictions on provision of linen, blankets and curtains inside the train.
REF: This office letters no. TC-lI/2910/2020/Special Train/Covid 19 dated 11.05.2020 and 05.05.2021
Vide instructions referred above, in view of Pandemic & Covid Protocol due to Covid-19, Standard Operating Protocol (SOP) for Movement of Passengers by trains was issued which imposed the following restriction:-
“No linen, blankets and curtains shall be provided inside the train”.
It has now been decided to withdraw the above mentioned restriction with regard to supply of linen, blankets and curtains inside the train, with immediate effect and the same may be provided as per applicability during Pre-Covid Period.
Ensure necessary action accordingly and confirm.
(Vipul Singhal)
Director Passenger Marketing
Railway Board