Vivad se Vishwas I (VsV I) – Relief for MSMEs: Railway Board forwards FinMin directions

Vivad se Vishwas I (VsV I) – Relief for MSMEs: Railway Board forwards FinMin directions
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)
No. 2020/RS(G)/363/1(E 3328703)
Dated: 28.12.2023
The General Managers, All Indian Railways/PUs, NF(C), CORE
DG/RDSO/Lucknow, NAIR/Vadodara
CAO, WPO/Patna, RWP/ Bela
CMDs/ MDs of Indian Railway PSUs/ Autonomous Bodies / Societies
Sub: Vivad se Vishwas I (VsV I): Relief for MSMEs.
Ref: (i) PPD/DoE/MoF’s OM No. F.1/1/2023-PPD dated 11.04.2023.
(ii) PPD/DoE/MoF’s OM No. F.1/1/2023-PPD dated 02.06.2023
(iii) PPD/DoE/MoF’s OM No. F.1/1/2023-PPD dated 15.06.2023
(iv) PPD/DoE/MoF’s OM No. F.1/1/2023-PPD dated 22.12.2023
Vide DoE OM ref (i) to (iii) above, Government had decided to implement a onetime settlement scheme called “Vivad se Vishwas I: Relief for MSMEs” wherein detailed guidelines regarding the subject scheme were issued. The said OMs were circulated to Railway units for compliance, vide Board’s letter dated 13.04.2023, 14.06.2023 and 31.07.2023, respectively. Eligible claimants were permitted to submit claims, under the scheme, on GeM/IRePS portals between 17.04.2023 and 31.07.2023.
2. DoE vide their OM at ref (iv) above, has stated that it has been brought to their notice that eligible MSMEs could not lodge their claims on the portals because of lack of information about the scheme. In view of this, DoE has decided that eligible claims under the subject scheme can now also be submitted from 01.01 .2024 to 31.03.2024, as per the scheme. The same is enclosed herewith for taking necessary action.
CRIS shall make the system ready accordingly and also display the information on its homepage as well as on login to all vendors.
Encl: As above
( Anurag Grover )
Deputy Director Railway Stores (G)
Railway Board
Source: Indian Railways