Revised Training Module of Non-Gazetted Staff of Personnel Department: Railway Board

Revised Training Module of Non-Gazetted Staff of Personnel Department: Railway Board Order No. E (MPP)/2017/3/30 dated 01.11.2021
RBE No. 78/2021
भारत सरकार Government of India
रेल मंत्रालय Ministry of Railways
(रेलवे बोर्ड) (Railway Board)
No. E (MPP)/2017/3/30
New Delhi, dated 01.11.2021
The General Manager, DG/NAIR/Vadodara
All Zonal Railways/PUs DG/IRITM/Lucknow
Metro Railway, Kolkata DG/IRIEEN/Nasik
CORE, Allahabad DG/IRICEN/Pune
DG/RDSO/Lucknow DG/IRISET/Secunderabad
CAO/DMW/ Patiala DG/IRIMEE/Jamalpur
CAO/COFMOW/New Delhi DG/ IRIFM/ Secunderabad
ED/CAMTECH/Gwalior DG/ JRRPF/ Lucknow
Sub: Revised Training Module of Non-Gazetted Staff of Personnel Department.
Vide Board (CRB) letter No. E(MPP)/2016/3/20 dated 28.11.2018, DG/NAIR had been authorized as the Head of the Academic Council of all CTIs to develop Training Modules of all categories of Non-Gazetted staff. Accordingly, training module of Personnel Department has been developed by NAIR and sent to this office.
2. Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) has reviewed the revised training module of non-gazetted staff of Personnel Department prepared and submitted by NAIR and approved the same.
View: Revised Training Modules of Non- Gazetted Staff of Traffic Department: RBE No.58/2021
3. The revised training module has been scanned and uploaded under MPP Training Circulars and can be viewed or downloaded from Railnet/ Indian Railways website.
4. Kindly acknowledge receipt.
(Deepak Peter Gabriel)
Principal Executive Director/ (IR)
Railway Board