HRA, Transport Allowance to trainees appointed on Compassionate grounds

Railway Board Circular on Denial of payment of  HRA, Transport  Allowance etc. to trainees appointed on compassionate ground in Grade Pay 1900/- in artisan category



Ministry of Railways

(Railway Board)


New Delhi, dated 17.12.2015

The General Secretary


3, Chelmsford  Road,

New Delhi-110055


Sub:-   Denial   of  payment   of  HRA,   Transport   Allowance   etc.   to  trainees   appointed   on compassionate  ground in Grade Pay 1900/- in artisan  category  etc.-reg,

Ref:- PNM/NFIR item No. II/2015

The undersigned  is directed to refer to NFIR’s  Letter  No.II/I-A/Part 20,  dated 05.10.2015 on the above subject..  The matter has been examined  in consultation  with Estt.  Dte. of  Railway Board and  it is  stated  that  Board’s   instructions   dt. 14.09.2012    was  issued  in pursuance of  DoP&T’s clarification  issued  on 03.04.2012,  which  in turn emanated  from  the earlier clarification given by DoP&T in December,  2009 while reviewing the Scheme of Compassionate appointment in the light of specific  para 2.2.9  and 2.2.10  of the 6th Pay Commission recommendations as accepted  by the Government of India.  In para  2.2.9, a  separate  running  Pay  Band designated  as   -lS   scale  was recommended  for posts  belonging  to Group ‘D’.   However, the same was not to be counted for any purpose.  In para 2.2.10,  Commission  has also recommended  that no direct  recruitment  in -lS scale would take  place.  The  scale  would,  however,  be  operated for regulating emoluments during  the training  period  of  candidates   who  do  not  possess the minimum qualification of Matric.  The Commission  was  of the  firm  view  that candidates  not possessing the  minimum  qualifications of Matric could not be recruited in the Government.  At the same time, Commission  also recommended that in exceptional circumstances  like  compassionate cases,   Government  might   need  to provide employment opportunities  to certain  classes of pension not  immediately   meeting  the  minimum educational standards  and Government  could recruit them as trainees who would be given a regular Pay,  Band  and Grade  Pay only  on acquiring minimum   qualification   prescribed   under  the Recruitment rules.

Thus, it is amply clear that Board’s instructions  dated  14.09.2012 applied  only exclusively in  cases, where  candidate  being considered for  appointment   on  compassionate   grounds  are  not meeting  the minimum qualification of entry  into  the  Government  service  that  is,  in Grade  Pay Rs.1800/- and the word  ‘trainees”  have been coined only for this  limited purpose.  It has nothing to do with trainees in various  posts of Grade Pay Rs.1900 &  above, where it is mandatory  for persons  being considered  to clear the entire training period  before joining  a working  post.  There  is a difference between  a trainee and an employee.  While  a trainee  gets  stipend, the  employee  gets  salary  along .with  all  other allowances.  The  recruitment   rules  provide  what  benefit   be  given   to  trainees. Therefore, Federation’s demand is not feasible for acceptance.

Yours faithfully,

for Secretary/Railway Board

Download Railway Board Circular Letter No.PC-V/2015/PNM/NFIR/1 dated 17.12.2015

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