Submission of e-Privilege Pass/PTO while claiming for encashment of LAP: East Coast Railway

Submission of e-Privilege Pass/PTO with the endorsement of journey details viz., PNR No., Train No., Date and Destination of Journey etc while claiming for encashment of LAP: East Coast Railway
पूर्व तट रेलवे/EAST COAST RAILWAY
कार्यालय मंरेप्र (कार्मिक)/वालतेरू
Office of the DRM (P)/Waltair.
No. WPO/71/Leaves/Encashment of LAP
Dated. 03.01.2023
All Concerned,
East Coast Railway, Waltair.
Sub:- Claiming Encashment of LAP — Availing e-Pass/PTO.
In terms of Rule-540-A of IREC Vol.I and Board’s amendments/clarification thereon issued from time to time, railway servants while in service are permitted to encash Leave on Average Pay upto 10 days once in a block of two years at the time of availing of Pass/ PTO for a maximum of 60 days in the entire career subject to fulfilling of other stipulated conditions.
In this regard, Railway Board has clarification vide letter No.E(W)20221/PS5-2/12, dated 28.07.2021 that drawl of Pass/PTO cannot be construed as availing of Pass/PTO; it can be construed as “availing of Passes/PTO” for all purposes, only if booking of ticket and travel is made on a Pass/PTO, unless specifically stipulated otherwise.
In the view of the above instructions and e-Privilege Pass/PTO module of HRMS is mandatory for every serving employee to perform Journey on privilege account, It is decided that whenever a railway servant submits claim for encashment of LAP, the same should be supported with a copy of e-Privilege Pass/PTO with the endorsement of journey details viz., PNR No., Train No., Date and Destination of Journey etc.
All the Branch officers are requested to note and notify the above instructions to all officers/staff working in various offices/units in their respective departments and may take action against those who violate these instructions.
The other terms and conditions governing on encashment of LAP along with Railway Pass/PTO while in service shall remain unchanged.
(आर.एन.ए.परिडा/R.N.A. Parida)
वरिष्ठ मंडल कार्मिक अधिकारी/Sr. Divl. Personnel Officer)
पूर्व तट रेवले, वालतेरू/E.Co.Railway, Waltair.)
Copy to : (1) Ch.0S(G) for kind Information of DRM & ADRMs.
(2) DC/ECoRSC and DC/ECoRSU for Information please.
(3) Ch.OS/BS-I,II,III,IV & V of this office for inf. and necessary action.