Strengthening of Safety Organisation – Railway Board

Strengthening of Safety Organisation – Railway Board Order No. 2017/Safety(DM)/19/1 dated 28.07.2021
No. 2017/Safety(DM)/19/1
New Delhi, dated 28.07.2021
The General Managers
All Indian Railways & MD /KRCL
Sub: Strengthening of Safety Organisation
Ref: Board’s letter of even number dated 20.09.2017
A reference dated 05.07.2021 has been received from GM/Southern Railway seeking change in the existing procedure regarding approval / posting as Dy. CSOs in Zonal Railways. In the reference it has been contended that while posting of Sr. DSO at JA Grade level is to be done with approval of GM, proposal for posting of Dy. CSO is required to be sent to Board for PED approval after the approval of GM. This at times results in unnecessary delays in posting of officer. It has been requested that the procedure being followed for posting of Sr. DSO may be allowed for posting of Dy. CSO also in Headquarters, as both the posts are falling under JA Grade.
2. The matter has been examined and it has been decided that the procedure laid down in the Board’s letter dated 20.09.2017 may be modified to the extent that posting of Dy. CSOs may be made by the Zonal Railways with the approval of GM, where all the stipulations laid down by Board in their letter under reference are fulfilled. However, the Zonal Railway will intimate each case of such posting with all relevant details of the incumbent to PED/Safety within a week of the posting being made. For the above purpose, a checklist for providing the required details to this office is enclosed herewith. However, in case(s) the officer proposed to be posted as Dy. CSO does not fulfill the criteria laid down in above instructions, prior approval of PED / Safety would be necessary.
3. This issues with the approval of DG/Safety.
DA : As above
(K.P. Yadav)
Exec. Director, Safety-II
Railway Board