Setting up of Food Plaza/Fast Food Units/Multicuisine restaurants by Zonal Railways

Setting up of Food Plaza/Fast Food Units/Multicuisine restaurants by Zonal Railways at the vacant/non utilised space available at Railway Stations over IR
(रेलवे बोर्ड RAILWAY BOARD)
No. 2018/Catering/600/01
New Delhi, dated: 08.03.2022
The Principal Chief Commercial Managers,
All Zonal Railways.
The Chairman and Managing Director, IRCTC,
Statesman House Building,
Barakhambha Road, New Delhi.
(Commercial Circular No. 08/2022)
Sub:- Setting up of Food Plaza/Fast Food Units/Multicuisine restaurants by Zonal Railways at the vacant/non utilised space available at Railway Stations over IR.
References have been received from Zonal Railways seeking permission to operate major static units (Food Plazas, Fast Food Units and Multi Cuisine restaurants) in view of the fact that many spaces allotted to IRCTC have continued to remain vacant thus leading to non-provision of passenger service and loss of railway revenue. They have requested a delegation of power to operate such commercial catering units. The matter has been examined in Board’s office in the interest of provision of facility to passengers, the Competent Authority have decided the following:
- Delegation is given to General Managers of Zonal Railways to conduct review of sites for major catering units operated under commercial model, i.e Food Plazas, Fast Food Units, Food Courts and Multicuisine restaurants, that have been vacant for one year or more and set up Food Plazas/Fast Food Units etc by Zones with provision of local/regional cuisine.
- The sites being taken over from IRCTC may follow due process of coordination and take into consideration the terms and conditions of existing contracts/agreements, if any.
- The Food Plazas/FFU/Multicuisine restaurant will be allotted through open tender process for a period of 9 years as stipulated within the Catering Policy 2017.
- Minimum Reserve Price for tendering to be fixed in terms of Para 12.1 of Catering Policy 2017.
Zonal Railways are advised to take necessary action in accordance with the above.
This issues with concurrence of Finance Commercial Directorate of Ministry of Railways.
(Sumeet Singh)
DTCG as Dir.(Tourism & Catering)
Railway Board
No. 2018/Catering/600/01 New Delhi, dated: 08.03.2022
Copy to: PFA/AII Zonal Railways for information & necessary action please.
For Member Finance; Railway Board