Rotation of officials working in Sensitive Posts – Railway Board

Rotation of officials working in Sensitive Posts – Railway Board Circular No. 2017/V-1/ALSL/1/1 dated 29.09.2020
No. 2017/V-1/ALSL/1/1
New Delhi, Date 29.09.2020
The General Managers CAO/COF Mow
All Zonal Railways DMW/Patiala
All Zonal Railways/PSUs/Pus Metro/Kolkata,
Sub: Rotation of officials working in Sensitive Posts
Ref: No. 2017/V-1/ALSL/1/1 Dt.10.12.19 :
Vide above reference, uniform guiding factors for designating posts as sensitive, as per nature of duties rather than nomenclature of posts have been issued. Keeping in view of above guidelines, with the approval of General Manager, list of sensitive posts have been identified and submitted by Zonal Railways/PUs/other units to this office.
a) Perusal of lists submitted by various units, culminates to identification of nomenclature of sensitive posts as indicated in Annexure 8.1 of IRVM 2018, is considered to be applicable for all Zonal Railways/PUs/other units. For non-gazetted category, existing instructions issued vide RBV . No.2008/V-1/CVC/1/4 dt.11.08.08 would be relevant.
b) In regard to other posts not mentioned in Annexure 8.1, which are specific to ZR/PUs, sensitive posts as approved by concerned General Manager and submitted to Board vigilance would be deemed as “sensitive” in nature.
(c) In addition to above, General Managers on their own may also treat any other post not mentioned in the list as “Sensitive” and inform Board Vigilance, as and when need arises in future.
As part of Preventive Vigilance strategy, it is advised that officials manning sensitive posts should be rotated as per the extant policy to avoid developing vested interests. SOGMs may report on the compliance of rotation policy please.
This issues with the approval of CRB & CEO, Ministry of Railways.
(Srinivas Malladi)
Director Vigilance Engg(I)
Railway Board