Revision of Incentive Bonus – Committee Formed by Railway Board

Revision of Incentive Bonus – Railway Board constitutes committee for revision of Incentive Bonus
Revision of Incentive Bonus – NFIR publishes constitutes committee for revision of Incentive Bonus
Ministry of Railways constituted a committee to examine the issues related to revision of hourly rates of Incentive Bonus and Bonus Factors of Workshops/PUs staff under CRJ Pattern/GIS.
Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) have decided to constitute a Committee to examine the issues related to revision of hourly rates of Incentive Bonus and Bonus Factors of workshops/PUs staff under CRJ Pattern/GIS. The Committee will consist of the following:-
(i) Executive Director/ME(W), Railway Board – Convener
(ii) Executive Director/PC-II, Railway Board – Member
(iii) Executive Director/F(C), Railway Board – Member
2. The Terms of reference of the Committee will be as under:-
(i) To examine, review, evolve and recommend changes that are desirable and feasible regarding the principles that should govern the payment of Incentive Bonus and Bonus Factors to Workshops/PUs staff under CRJ Pattern/GIS under 7th CPC revised pay structure in respect of the following categories of employees:-
2. Jr. Engineers(s) in Level 6.
3. Sr. Technician in Level 5.
4. Tech Gr.I in Level 4.
5. Tech. Gr.II in Level 3.
6. Tech. Gr.III in Level 2
7. Semi Skilled/Unskilled in Level 1.
8. Unskilled in -1S (pre-revised scale).
3. The Committee should submit its report within six months from the date of its construction.
4. The headquarters of the Committee will be at New Delhi.
5. PC-VII Branch of Railway Board will be the nodal Branch for functioning of the Committee. Therefore, all related works/issues including Parl. Questions, RTI cases, their execution and other formalities with regard to the Committee should be dealt with by PC-VII Branch.
6. The Convener and Members of the Committee will draw TA/DA as per extant rules.
Source : airfindia