Replacement of RRC papers on account of Non-joining/ resignation/ demise of candidates: Railway Board

Replacement of Railway Recruitment Cells (RRC) papers on account of Non-joining/ resignation/ demise of candidates: Railway Board Order dated 15.03.2022
RBE No. 30 /2022
No. E (NG)II/2022/RR-I/8
New Delhi, Dated: 15.03.2022
The General Manager (P),
All Indian Railways/PUs.
(As per standard mailing list)
The Chairpersons,
Railway Recruitment Cells.
Sub: Replacement of RRC papers on account of Non-joining/ resignation/ demise of candidates.
It is advised that the instructions issued, vide Board’s letter No.2021/E(RRB)/23/09 dated 22.10.2021 are applicable for Level-1 recruitment also. These instructions may be followed by Zonal Railways for seeking replacement list from Railway Recruitment Cells (RRCs) as per their needs and available vacancies in the event of any shortfall on account of non-joining of the candidates within stipulated time given for joining the post or resignation/demise of the candidate within a period of one year from the date of joining of the candidate provided the currency of panel is live and no fresh panel is available.
(M. M. Rai)
Director, Estt. (N)
Railway Board.
Rail Bhawan, Raisina Road, New Delhi-110001