Replacement of RRB papers on resignation of candidates: Railway Board

Seeking Replacement list from RRB on resignation/death of candidates immediately after joining Railway Service while on training/probation: Railway Board Order
(रेलवे बोर्ड/RAILWAY BOARD)
No. 2021/E(RRB)/23/09
New Delhi, dated: 22.10.2021
The PCPQs,
All Indian Railways.
The Chairpersons,
All Railway Recruitment Board.
Sub: Replacement of RRB papers on resignation of candidates
The issue of shortfall that arises on account of resignation of candidates empanelled by RRB immediately after joining Railway Service while on training/probation has been considered by Board.
2. The Fifth Central Pay Commission, in para 17.11 of its Report, has recommended that with a view to reduce delay in filing up of the posts, vacancies resulting from resignation or death of an incumbent within one year of his appointment should be filled immediately by the candidate from the reserve list, if a fresh panel is not available by then. Such a vacancy should not be treated as fresh vacancy. These recommendations have been adopted by DOP&T vide their OM No. 41019/18/97-Estt(B) dated 13.06.2000.
3. It has now been decided to adopt instructions issued vide DOP&T’s O.M. dated 13.06.2000 mutatis mutandis in Railways and these instructions may be followed by Zonal Railways for seeking replacement list from RRBs as per their needs and availability of vacancies in the event of any shortfall on account non-joining of the candidate within Stipulated time given for joining the post or resignation/demise of the candidate within a period of one year from the date of joining of the candidate provided the currency of panel is live and no fresh panel is available.
(Vidya Dhar Sharma)
Dir. Estt.(RRB)
Railway Board