Remuneration payable to Contract Medical Practitioners (CMPs): Railway Board

Remuneration payable to Contract Medical Practitioners (CMPs) as per respective State Government rates: Railway Board Clarification dated 20.07.2021
(रेलवे बोर्ड / RAILWAY BOARD )
No. 2020/E(GR)II/1/3
New Delhi, Dated: 20.07.2021
General Managers
All Indian Railways & PUs,
(as per standard mailing list)
Attn. : Dy. Chief Personnel Officer (Gaz.) }
Sub:- Remuneration payable to Contract Medical Practitioners (CMPs).
Ref:- Board’s letter of even number dated 28.04.2021
Please refer to Board’s letter of even number dated 28.04.2021 whereby keeping in view the COVID-19 pandemic and requests received from some Zonal Railways, General Managers with concurrence of Associate Finance were delegated the powers for a period of six months only (from 28.04.2021 to 27.10.2021) to revise remuneration payable to CMPs as per respective State Government rates.
2. The issue has been re-examined and it has been decided with the approval of Board (MF, CRB & CEO) that the above said provision, which was purely a temporary measure, shall not be extended beyond the period already indicated i.e. 27.10.2021. Status quo ante shall be restored, thereafter,
3. Further, references were received from Central Railway vide letter No. P/CR/HQ/E-Gaz/ 280/6 dated 19.05.2021 and South East Central Railway vide letter No. P-HQ/RUL/101 /11 dated 19.05.2021 requesting to increase the remuneration payable to CMPs. The same have also been examined in consultation with Associate Finance, Railway Board and have not been found feasible of acceptance.
( Kamal Kishor )
Deputy Director /Estt.(Gaz. Rectt.)-II
Railway Board