Recruitment of Men football players on Indian Railways – Clarification / Corrigendum

Recruitment of Men football players on Indian Railways – Clarification / Corrigendum: Railway Board Order RBE No.12/2023 dated 12.01.2023
RBE No.12/2023
Clarification / Corrigendum No.122
Government of India (Bharat Sarkar)
Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya)
(Railway Board)
No. 2021/E(Sports)/4(1)/4/FBL
New Delhi, 12.01.2023
The General Managers (P),
All Zonal Railways & PUs.
Sub: Recruitment of Men football players on Indian Railways.
Ref: (i) RSPB’s letter no. 2015/RSPB/2(15)/6 FBL dated 06.09.2017 and Railway Board’s letter No. 2018/E(Sports)/RSPB/2/7(FBL) dt. 26.11.2019.
(ii) All India Football Federation’s (AIFF) circular No. 686.
Attention is invited to RSPB’s letter dated 06.09.2017 mentioned under reference, wherein it was decided not to recruit men footballers on Indian Railways under sports quota (talent scouting or open advertisement) till further directives in this regard.
2. Now AIFF vide circular under reference (ii) above has exclude a the condition of mandatory quota for Under-21 players in the Santosh Trophy. Accordingly, it has been decided to restart recruitment of men footballers on Indian Railways under sports quota (talent scouting and open advertisement) with immediate effect with the same age condition as applicable for other games.
4. This is issued with the prior approval of DG(HR) and President/RSPB.
(Ravinder Kumar)
Deputy Director/ E(Sports)
Source: Indian Railways