Rationalization of Manpower in Medical Department – Outsourcing of House Keeping Assistants (HKAs): Railway Board

Rationalization of Manpower in Medical Department – Outsourcing of House Keeping Assistants (HKAs): Railway Board Order dated 03.07.2023
No. E(MPP)2022/1/22
Dated 03/07/2023
The General Managers,
All Indian Railways, including Production Units and Others
Sub: Rationalization of Manpower in Medical Department.
Rationalization of posts is periodically done based on manpower requirement. Manpower planning requires continuous review of sanctioned strength in view of changing working conditions, introduction of new technologies, systems, creation of new assets etc. Work studies are also regularly being conducted for rationalization of manpower in Railways for various activities. These exercises enable Indian Railways to utilize their human resources in most efficient and productive manner.
After considering all the relevant aspects it was decided during review meeting in consultation with Health Dte. that the cleanliness activities of Hospitals, presently being performed by the House Keeping Assistants (HKAs) should be outsourced in a very planned manner and all the posts of HKAs of Medical Department, especially those involved in cleaning functions must be surrendered by March 31st ,2024.
(Amit Singh Mehra)
Director (MPP)
Source: Indian Railways