Random selection in GeM in Service Contract in case of multiple L-1: Clarification by Railway Board

Clarification regarding Random selection in GeM in Service Contract in case of multiple L-1: Railway Board Order dated 21.12.2023
रेलवे बोर्ड/(RAILWAY BOARD)
New Delhi dated. 21.12.2023
The General Manager,
All Zonal Railway.
Sub: Clarification regarding Random selection in GeM in Service Contract in case of multiple L-1.
Kind attention 1s invited to GCC for Services — 2018; para number 2.6.3 regarding ‘evaluation of financial bid’ which inter-alia states that:
“The financial proposal shall be evaluated to determine the lowest bidder. In case, the evaluated financial offers of two or more technically qualified bidders are Lowest and same, then the Bid of the bidder who is technically more sound (having scored higher marks in evaluation of technical bid as per clause shall be considered as the lowest, If the marks in the evaluation of technical bids of the lowest bidders are also found to be equal, then the bid of the bidder with the higher cumulative annual financial turnover over the last three years and the current financial year shall be considered as the lowest.”
2. It may be noted that in case of multiple qualified L-1 bidders, GeM portal has discontinued the manual selection of L-1 bidders and randomly selects the L-1 bidder, under “Run L-1” option. This is in contradiction of para 2.6.3 of GCC rules.
3. The issue has been considered in this office and it has been decided that while finalizing service tenders on GeM portal, para 2.6.3 of GCC for Services — 2018 will not be applicable.
4. This issue with the approval of the Board (MTRS).
Signed by
Shailendra Singh
Principal Executive Director/ME (EnHM & Proj.)
Railway Board
Source: Indian Railways