Procedure for dealing with safety related disciplinary cases: Railway Board

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Procedure for dealing with safety related disciplinary cases: Railway Board Order RBE No. 02/2023 dated 02.01.2023

RBE No. 02/2023


No. E(D&A) 2022 RG6-17

Dated: 02.01.2023

The General Managers
All Indian Railways and Production Units etc.
(As per standard list)

Sub: Procedure for dealing with safety related disciplinary cases

Attention is invited to instructions issued by Railway Board under letter no. E(D&A) 2003 RG6-5 dated 19.02.2003 RBE No. 36/2003 on the subject matter. As a period of two decades have passed, it has been considered necessary that these instructions be reiterated for ensuring strict compliance thereof. Accordingly, all Zonal Railways/Production Units etc. are advised to ensure that contents of the aforesaid instructions dated 19.02.2003 are scrupulously adhered to in safety related disciplinary cases. A copy of the aforementioned RBE No. 36/2003 is enclosed herewith for ready reference.

(Renuka Nair)
Dy. Director Estt. (D&A)
Railway Board

Source: Indian Railways

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