Preparatory work in connection with forthcoming Secret Ballot Elections for recognition of trade Unions: Railway Board

Preparatory work in connection with forthcoming Secret Ballot Elections for recognition of trade Unions: Railway Board

Preparatory work in connection with forthcoming Secret Ballot Elections for recognition of trade Unions: Railway Board Order 03.07.2024 and 02.07.2024

(रेलवे बोर्ड / RAILWAY BOARD)


New Delhi, dated 03.07.2024

Zonal Railways &

Sub: Preparatory work in connection with forthcoming Secret Ballot Elections for recognition of trade Unions.

In connection with the preparation for forthcoming Secret Ballot Elections for recognition of Trade Unions, information/ views on the following items may be furnished by 08.07.2024.

S.No.(Col.1) Section of Modalities issued on 16.8.2019(Col. 2) Information to be furnished(Col.3) Views to be furnished(Col.4)
1. 17(b) What was the maximum distance voters had to travel in last elections? Views on reducing it to maximum distance of 20 kms as demanded.
2. 22(a,b) How was staff relieved for voting?As per convenience or roster? Railways views on staff to vote as per convenience during the polling dates or should they be deputed to vote during specified period over the voting dates.
3. 27 Was counting of vote in the last election done with reference to the counter-foil? Views regarding doing the same.
4. 8(d) How were polling assistants deputed for polling duty? Whether they were drafted from same office or other offices? What are the views of Railways?
5. 21 Should Controlling Officer be asked to certify that the staff will not be available on any of the polling dates due to out station duty for allowing him the facility of postal ballot?
6. (Additional point) What security was provided during the voting and counting processes? Whether the same shall be made available for coming elections or suggestion if any?
7. 7(c) Views regarding including CUG/ Mobile no. in the voter list.
8. (Additional point) How to handle the issue of contractual labour present on Railway premises during the election dates? Can they be prevented from being present or should they be provided valid identity proof by Railway? Views.
9. 31 How was counting done in last elections? Was it done boothwise/ section wise/ unit wise? Views of Railway


(ii) Railways may start exercise for procurement of Ballot Boxes as done in last election.

(111) It is proposed to conduct the elections under the cover of CCTV. Hence process for procuring same for covering all voting booths , counting stations and other locations may be initiated.

(iv) Exercise for identifying locations for Polling Booths and Counting Stations may be initiated.

The information sought in the Column.3 may be furnished positively to the undersigned by 08.07.2024 and the views may be furnished by 12.07.2024, for finalising the modalities for ensuing Secret Ballot Elections.

Digitally signed
Date: 2024.07.03
16:59:51 +05’30’
Rajiv Gandhi
Convenor (Secret Ballot Election Committee)

(रेलवे बोर्ड / RAILWAY BOARD)


New Delhi, dated 02.07.2024

The General Manager,
Zonal Railways (Except NWR,WCR, SECR, SCR,NFR) and
General Manager RCF.

Sub: Preparatory work in connection with forthcoming Secret Ballot Elections for recognition of trade Unions.
Ref: This office letter no.2024/SBEC-II/Policy/2 dated 16.04.2024.

Vide this office letter dated 16.04.2024 the Zonal Railways and RCF were asked to settle all pending dues for facilities provided to the recognised Unions by 31.05.2024 in view of forthcoming secret ballot elections for recognition of trade unions. The last date for the same was extended to 30.06.2024 vide PED/IR letter dated 04.06.2024. Further vide undersigned letter dated 27.06.2024 all Railways were asked to furnish compliance of the instructions.

It is regretted that this information has not been received from your railway. It is requested that you may please get all concerned authorities including supervisors from where the bills are raised, to coordinate and settle the matter of pending dues for facilities provided to the Unions over the next few days and ensure to furnish compliance to the Committee by 15.07.2024 positively. In case dues are not cleared by the recognised Unions they run the risk of being disqualified from contesting the forthcoming elections, which will lead to an unsavoury situation, best prevented.

Your personal intervention and monitoring is kindly solicited.

Rajiv Gandhi
Convenor (Secret Ballot Election Committee)

CC: AM/HR/Railway Board- For inf pl. It is requested that railways are suitably impressed upon to meet this target without fail so that the election process is not delayed.

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