Preparation of integrated seniority lists of Group ‘C’ cadres for promotions to Group ‘B’ posts on Indian Railways – Clarification

Preparation of integrated seniority lists of Group ‘C’ cadres for promotions to Group ‘B’ posts on Indian Railways: Railway Board Clarification dated 14.06.2024
No. E(GP)2019/2/25
New Delhi, dated-14.06.2024
The General Managers,
All Indian Railways & Production Units.
(Kind Attn.: PCPO/PFA/Dy. CPO (G)/Dy. CAO(G))
Sub.: Preparation of integrated seniority lists of Group ‘C’ cadres for promotions to Group ‘B’ posts on Indian Railways.
Ref.: Board’s letter of even number dated 01.01.2024.
References have been received from a few Zonal Railways seeking clarifications on preparation of integrated seniority lists for certain Group ‘C’ cadres whose pay structures have since been upgraded in terms of Board’s letter no. PC-VII/2019/RSRP/3 dt. 17.11.2022 (RBE No.155/2022).
2. The matter has been examined in consultation with Pay Commission and Establishment Directorates of Board’s office. It is hereby clarified that the integrated seniority list of Group ‘C’ employees eligible for Group ‘B’ Selections (70%) should be prepared based on Level-7 and Level-6 in terms of instructions contained in Board’s letter No. E(GP)2019/2/25 dt. 27.12.2019 and no change is warranted therein.
(Arti Singh Lal)
Dy. Director-II, Estt.(GP)
Railway Board
Ph. No. 23047250
E.mail ID- arti.singht1[at]
Source: Indian Railways