Precautionary Measures w.r.t COVID -19 Closure of Office

Closure of office on 1st & 2nd December 2020 due to COVID-19 Precautionary Measures: Railway Board Circular No. 2020/O&M/9/1 dated 27.11.2020
(Railway Board)
Sub: Precautionary Measures w.r.t COVID-19 Closure of Office
In view of surge in COVlD positive cases at Rail Bhawan, it has been decided to close Rail Bhawan on 1st & 2nd December 2020 for carrying out intensive sanitization of the workplace, corridors, common area etc., in accordance with para 6(II) of the Standard operating Procedure issued by Ministry of Health & Family welfare Order dated 4th June 2020.
2. During this period, all officers/staff would work from home and are to be available at all times on phone and other electronic means of communication.
3. The above issues with the approval of the competent authority.
(B. Majumdar)
Joint Secretary/Railway Board
Dated: 27.11.2020
All officers and staff of Board’s office and at Dayabasti, New Delhi.
Copy for information to:
CRB & CEO, Railway Board, MF, M/Infra, M/O&BD, M/TRS Secretary/Railway Board
Copy to:
District Magistrate, New Delhi District
DCP, Parliament Street New Delhi.