Simplification of Pension Procedure-Submission of Undertaking by retiring Railway employees

Simplification of Pension Procedure-Submission of Undertaking by retiring Railway employees – RBA No. 44/2021 dated 10.08.2021
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)
RBA NO. 44/2021
No. 2015/AC-II/21/11
New Delhi, dated 10.8.2021
All Zonal Railways/PUs
Sub: Simplification of Pension Procedure-Submission of Undertaking by retiring Railway employees.
Ref:-1. Board’s letter No. FE(II) /2008/PN1/13 dated 17.03.2015.
5. Board’s letter of even no. dated 02.07.2020(RBA No. 55/2020)
3. Board’s letter no. 2010/AC-II/21/3(part-D) dated 29.6.2021 (RBA No. 36/ 2021)
Please refer to Board’s letter ibid requesting to submit scanned copy of Letter of Undertaking filled by the retiring employee in the prescribed format alongwith the e-PPO to the Bank to ensure early commencement of first pension to the retired employee. However, instances have been brought to the notice of Board that this LOU is not being submitted in the prescribed format (copy enclosed). Further, in many cases the scanned copy is not readable/ incomplete. This is resulting not only in manual intervention in processing of the e-PPOs but also delayed commencement of first pension.
Kindly direct the concerned officials to follow these instructions scrupulously. A line of confirmation regarding compliance in the matter may be sent to Board by 31.8.2021.
DA:As above
(Ajay Bartwal)
Joint Director Finance/CCA
Railway Board