Payment of Running Allowance for JEs/SSEs(TM) operating Track Machines: Minutes of the meeting on PNM/NFIR Item no. 25/2018: Railway Board

Payment of Running Allowance for JEs/SSEs(TM) operating Track Machines: Minutes of the separate meeting of the Federation(NFIR) with Member(Infra) held on 18.10.2023 regarding PNM/NFIR Item no. 25/2018: Railway Board
(रेलवे बोर्ड RAILWAY BOARD )
No.2023/E(LR)I/NM 1-7
Rail Bhawan, New Delhi — 110001, dated 02.11.2023
The General Secretary,
3, Chelmsford Road,
New Delhi — 110 055.
Dear Sir,
Sub: Minutes of the separate meeting of the Federation(NFIR) with Member(Infra) held on 18.10.2023 regarding PNM/NFIR Item no. 25/2018: Creation of posts of Driver-cum-Technician in the Track Machine organization on Indian Railways — payment of Running Allowance for JEs/SSEs(TM)
Minutes of the meeting held on 18.10.2023 on the subject mentioned above is sent a herewith for information and necessary action please.
Yours faithfully,
(Hem Chander)
Joint Director,Estt.(IR)
D.A.: As above.
Minutes of the separate meeting of the Federation (NFIR) with Member(Infra) held on 18.10.2023 regarding PNM/NFIR Item No. 25/2018: Creation of posts of Driver-cum-Technician in the Track Machine organization on Indian Railways — payment of Running Allowance for JEs/SSEs (TM)
The following officers and representatives of Federation (NFIR) attended the meeting:-
Official Side | Federation (NFIR) |
The Federation stated that as the JEs/SSEs are made to drive the Track Machine, therefore, they may be paid Running Allowance like ALPs/LPs. It was also stated by them that similar Running Allowance benefit is being paid to Tower Wagons Drivers. Federation also stated that in terms of Railway Board’s instructions, these staff are liable to be dealt under D&A Rules in the event of “SPAD”.
The Official Side stated that the JEs/SSEs are not asked to drive the Track Machine for longer distances and they operate it for a very short distance only. For longer distance, ALPs are engaged. Moreover, a number of JEs/SSEs are deployed on one Track Machine, depending upon the complexity of machine.
Member(Infra) directed that the issue need to be examined and a policy formulated as to how demand of Federation for payment of Running Allowance to the JEs/SSEs operating Track Machines can be considered.
Source: Indian Railways