Payment of family pension, death gratuity and other dues to the family on death of a Railway servant during service

Payment of family pension, death gratuity and other dues to the family on death of a Railway servant during service: Railway Board Order dated 17.03.2022
R.B.E. No. 32/2022
RAILWAY BOARD (रेलवे बोर्ड)
No. D-43/43/2020-F(E)III
New Delhi, dated:17.03.2022.
The General Managers/Principal Financial Advisors,
All Zonal Railways/Production Units etc.,
(As per mailing list)
Sub:- Payment of family pension, death gratuity and other dues to the family on death of a Railway servant during service – regarding.
Please refer to the Board’s letter of even number dated 04.06.2021 circulating DOP&PW’s O.M. No. 1/11/2021-P&PW/(E) dated 03.06.2021 vide which order was issued providing for instructions regarding payment of family pension, death gratuity and other dues to the family on death of a Railway Servant during service.
2. One of the Zonal Railways had sought clarification regarding the applicability of the Board’s instructions dated 04.06.2021 on the past cases.
3. The issue has been examined in consultation with Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare (DOP&PW) and it is clarified that Board’s instructions of even number dated 04.06.2021 are also applicable in respect of employees who expired before the date of issue of the said order irrespective of deceased employee covered under Old Pension scheme or under NPS.
This also disposes of North Eastern Railway’s letter No. पेंशन/मु./एनपीएस/समापक/2019 dated 25.02.2022.
(Sanjay Prashar)
Deputy Director, Finance (Estt.)III,
Railway Board.