Payment of 55% add-on pay element to CLIs for computing retirement benefits – Hon’ble High Court of Madras judgement: Railway Board

Payment of 55% add-on pay element to CLIs for computing retirement benefits – Hon’ble High Court of Madras judgement: Railway Board Order dated 02.04.2024
RAILWAY BOARD (रेलवे बोर्ड)
New Delhi, dt. 02.04.2024
The General Managers (P)
All Zonal Railways
Sub: Sharing of information regarding favourable judgement passed by the Hon’ble High Court of Madras vide order dt.02.02.2024 in the matter of payment of 55% add-on pay element to CLIs for computing retirement benefits.
Ref: This office letter of even number dt. 07.03.2024.
Vide above referred letter, a Brief for contesting court cases in the subject matter was circulated, Further to the above letter, please find enclosed a copy of judgement dt. 02.02.2024 of the Hon’ble High Court of Madras in WP (C) No.1404 of 2015 and MP No. 1 of 9015 in the matter of UOI & Ors Vs. The Registrar CAT/Madras Bench Chennai & Ors. which has been disposed of in favour of Railway Administration.
It is advised that the aforementioned order dt. 02.02.2024 of the Hon’ble High Court may please be brought out to the notice of all the concerned including the officials of Divisions with instructions to ensure its effective utilization while contesting the cases involving identical issue,
It is also pertinent to mention that In the above order, the Honble High Court has dwelt at length on the Issue of approaching the courts after a long delay. The Ho‘nble Court in its order has referred judgements of the Hon’ble Supreme Court and Division Bench of the Hon’ble High Court/Delhi on this issue. This aspect needs to be especially kept in view while preparing counter reply in future cases.
Zonal Railways are also once again advised that any new case(s) filed in the matter may be Immediately brought to the notice of this office and the counter reply prepared in the matter in light of this letter and the Brief circulated vide Board’s letter of even number dt. 07.03.2024 may be got vetted from this office before the same is filed before Hon’ble Tribunal/Court. J
DA: As above.
(Gaurav Puri)
Joint Director, E(P&A)
Railway Board
Tele No. — 011-47845119
Email ID : gaurav.rb1[at]