Minutes of the separate meeting held by EDE(N) with Federation (AIRF) on 24.08.2023 on left over PNM/AIRF Items: Railway Board

Minutes of the separate meeting held by EDE(N) with Federation (AIRF) on 24.08.2023 on left over PNM/AIRF Items: Railway Board Order dated 09.10.2023
Government of India(Bharat Sarkar)
Ministry of Railways(Rail Mantralaya)
(Railway Board)
New Delhi, dt 09.10.2023.
The ( General Secretary)
4, State Entry Road,
New Delhi-110 055.
Sub: Minutes of the separate meeting held by EDE(N) with Federation (AIRF) on 24.08.2023 on left over PNM/AIRF Items
Minutes of the separate meeting held on 24.08.2023 on the subject mentioned above are enclosed for information and necessary action.
Yours faithfully,
D.A: As above
(Hem Chander)
Joint Director, Estt.(IR)
Railway Board.
Minutes of the separate meeting held by EDE(N) with Federation (AIRF) on 24.08.2023 on left over PNM/AIRF Items
The following officers and representatives of Federation (AIRF) attended the meeting:-
Official Side | Federation (AIRF) |
56/2006: Indian Railway Tourism and Catering Corporation — Catering staff on deputation.
Federation reiterated the demand to resolve the issue. Official Side mentioned that the issue was sub-judice.
26/2008: Upgradation of Horticulture staff.
Federation demanded an early compliance of their demand. Official Side mentioned that the special meeting with Pay Commission Directorate will be convened shortly.
25/2011: Selection for J.E. Pay Band ₹9300-34800 — Eligibility thereof.
Federation mentioned that three years’ training has. already been imparted to the technicians, the period of training should be counted for appointment to higher posts. Official Side stated that a separate meeting will be held shortly.
16/2013: Appointment on compassionate ground to the wards of medically decategorized staff.
Federation stated that the issue has been pending for a long time and their demand has not been concerned so far. Federation demanded ‘for a Separate meeting with CRB&CEO on the issue.
26/2014: Allotment of GP ₹1800 in PB-I to Commercial Porters and Safaiwalas of MTP Railway Kolkata,
Federation demanded that the benefit of placement in L-1 may be given from 01.01.2016. . Official Side stated that the date will be confirmed from the Metro and will be examined accordingly.
02/2016: Recruitment Rules for introduction and filling-up the initial grade vacancies of Fire Cadre, Metro Railway Kolkata.
Details have been received from Railways/ PUs and the matter will be examined. Federation demanded for an early implementation of the demand.
42/2016: Compassionate grounds appointment to daughter-in-law of the deceased railway employee.
Position was explained to the Federation. Federation stated that the demand is sensitive & genuine and may be considered sympathetically,
55/2016: Advancement prospects for Lab Asstt. of CMT Organisation under Mechanical Department of Indian Railways.
Discussed and finalised.
14/2018: Avenue of promotion to the post of Tech. GR.III in S&T Department.
The issue has already been discussed. Decision will be taken. after issue of amendment in IREM.
28/2018: Recruitment/Promotion Rules in RDSO, Lucknow, commensurate to other Zonal Railways in various departments.
Federation mentioned that this demand is.an item of Staff Council meeting also. In view of the fact, no decision is being taken. A meeting at the level of CRB and DG/RDSO may be held.
31/2018: One time relaxation in qualification criteria to appear in’ the selection of Technician Gr. III against 25% Talented quota.
To be tagged with Item No.25/2011 and a separate meeting with Technical Directorate will be conducted.
46/2018: Alternative appointment to Women Trackmen, Assistant Loco Pilot and Train Guards.
The Federation said that, in original item of AIRF it was demanded that the category of women employees working as Trackmen/Track Maintainers, Asstt. Loco Pilot, Trains ‘Guard etc., may be changed as one-time exemption, keeping in view. the hardship being faced by them while performing duties in the said categories. The Federation also demanded that the pregnant women should be given light duty during pregnancy and assigned work in Crew Lobby, Control Room etc.
The Official Side contended that, reply is already communicated to the Federation vide letter No.E(NG)I-2018/TR/13 dated 02.11.2022, nevertheless, upon insistence of AIRF; the Official Side mentioned that the demand of the Federation would be further examined.
12/2021: Review of passing marks in Selections/Suitability Tests for promotions to non-gazetted posts.
Federation demanded for removal of negative marking in LDCE.
Official Side stated that the matter will be examined.
16/2021: Induction of Track Maintainers into other departments.
08/2022: 10% Lateral entry of trackmen in Level-1 to Mechanical Engineering, Transportation(Power) Department, Traffic & Commercial Departments and to works side of Engineering Department Revision of instructions of Para 179(xv) of IREM VOI-I.
Views submitted by Federation will be examined. :
21/2021: Mode of filling of vacancies of Tower Wagon Driver.
Federation demanded that the zones should be empowered to take the decision. The issue is already under litigation.
26/2021: Fixation of Pay of Running Staff on medical de-categorization and on absorption in alternative (stationery) post.
Instructions issued by Board will be reiterated.
05/2022: AVC of ALP- Revision of para 137(1)(i) of IREM Vol. I — Allowing Technicians working in C&W Department for volunteering to the post of ALP
To be tagged with other Items No. 25/2011, 31/2018 and a separate meeting with Technical Directorate will be conducted.
12/2022: Payment of settlement dues to staff retiring from Construction Organisation.
Federation requested for a separate meeting with Member(Finance).
25/2022: Appointment on Compassionate Grounds – Cases of wards of the second wife
The issue will be re-examined in consultation with Legal Directorate. The Federation demanded that the provision, as circulated vide Railway. Board’s letter No. E(NG)I/2016/RC-1/CR/12(Pt.) dated 30.12.2019 (RBE No.218/2019), permitting “compassionate ground appointment to the wards of second wife”, should take effect from the date of judgement delivered by Hon’ble Apex Court.
19/2023 (ii): Career progression and related issues of Optometrist working in Railway Hospitals.
Official Side apprised that the position has been called for from the zones and will be examined further on receipt of the same.
26/2023: Grant of One-time exemption for promotion of the Appendix-II qualified Accounts Clerk to the post of JAA against Direct Recruitment Quota-Specially over SCR.
The issue will be re-examined.
28/2023: Inordinate delay in filling up of huge vacancies in Safety and Non-Safety Categories – Reg.
Vacancies have been filled up to a large extent under special recruitment drives/Rozgar Mela.
Source: Indian Railways