Meeting of Departmental Promotion Committee (DPCs) -Furnishing of certificates by the members of DPCs: Railway Board

Meeting of Departmental Promotion Committee (DPCs) -Furnishing of certificates by the members of DPCs: Railway Board Order RBE No. 19/2023 dated 19.01.2023
RBE No.19/2023
No. E(GP)2023/2/1
New Delhi, dated:19.01.2023
The General Managers,
All Indian Railways and production Units.
(Kind Attn.:PCPOs/ PFA/Dy.CPO(G)/Dy.CAO(G))
Sub: Meeting of Departmental Promotion Committee (DPCs) -Furnishing of certificates by the members of DPCs.
Ref.: E(NG) letter’s No. E(NG)I-98/PM/1/17 dated 20.10.1999.
Instructions have been issued under Para 11.1 of Board’s aforementioned letter dated 20.10.1999 whereby Members of the Selection Board have to record a certificate that none of their close relation is under consideration for promotion and that they have no interest in any of the candidates. The question of issuing similar guidelines for taking declaration from Members of the DPCs constituted for promotion to Group ‘B’ posts has been raised by one of the Zonal Railways.
2. In this regard it is hereby clarified that the above instructions are applicable for Departmental Promotion Committees constituted for promotion to Group ‘B’ posts also.
(Meenakshi Saluja)
Dy. Director, Estt.(GP)-III
Railway Board
Source: Indian Railways