Refusal to provide Medical Assistance to the RELHS Card holders for not having UMID Card

Refusal to provide Medical Assistance to the RELHS Card holders for not having UMID Card – Bharat Pensioners Samaj writes to DG(HR), Railway Board
2/13-A~ LGF Backside, Jangpura New Delhi -110014
NO. SG/BPS/NIP/Med/04/2021
DATE: 11-04-2021
The DG (HR). Rly Board
The DG (RHS), Rly Board
Sub: Refusal to provide Medical Assistance to the RELHS Card holders for not having UMID Card.
Ref: Notice of CMS/NJP displayed at the Counter.
Under painful circumstances, Bharat Pensioners Samaj would like to draw your kind attention to the under mentioned draconian ‘ Notice’ of the CMS/NJP, debarring RELHS Card holders from getting, Railway Medical Assistance, if they do not have UMID Card in their possession :-
‘That, inspite of having Medical Identity card under RELHS., issued by the Competent Authority, large number of Railway Pensioners are not in a position to procure UMID Card due to certain technical reasons, created by the Railway Administration itself.
1. The UMID Card can only be generated, if a person has a 14 (fourteen) digits ARPAN 7th CPC Revised PPO.
2. Thousands of the RELHS Card holders, who retired prior to 01-01-2016, cannot have 14 digits PPO due to Administrative reasons- viz. (a) those who are getting Pension through Post Offices, (b) Children Pensioners, (c) Ever today traditional PPOs are issued from different Divisional Offices from NJP to LMG, for which we, the retirees, are not responsible,
3. Though, Bharat Pensioners Samaj welcomes the issue of UMID Card to the Pensioners for universal use. But, on account of the above heartless policy of : “No UMID Card, No Railway treatment”. This will not only deprive a large number of old pensioners of their legitimate claim to get Railway Medical help, even after becoming a member of RELHS on payment of a certain amount for the same but will also lead to avoidable litigation.
Bharat Pensioners Samaj, request you to kindly look into the matter urgently and to take decisions on the following:-
(i) Railway Administration should issue UMID Card directly to all the RELHS Card holders, who are in possession of authorized PPO without insisting 14 digits PPOs through ARPAN
(ii) UMID Cards in replacement to RELHS card be issued through the respective Railway Hospitals/Rly health units where RELHS card holders are Registered.
(iii) No RELHS Card holders be refused Railway Medical Aid for not having UMID CARD.
(iv) Necessary instructions through email/WhatsApp may be issued to All CMDs/ CMS over Indian Railways to ensure that existing RELHS card holders are not denied Medical aid.
Thanking you
Yours truly,
S. C. Maheshwari
Secy. Genl. Bharat Pensioners Samaj
Source: Bharat Pensioners Samaj