Measures to streamline the implementation of HRMS: Railway Board Order dated 18.06.2024

Measures to streamline the implementation of HRMS: Railway Board Order dated 18.06.2024

Measures to streamline the implementation of HRMS: Railway Board Order dated 18.06.2024

RAILWAY BOARD (रेलवे बोर्ड)

File No. PC-VII/2024/HRMS/13

New Delhi, Dated : 18.06.2024

Principal Chief Personnel Officer,
All Indian Railways,
(As per standard mailing list)

Sub : Measures to streamline the implementation of HRMS.

With a launch of number of cadre and service related modules of HRMS, number of activities which are presently done manually have been brought under the scope of HRMS. In this context, suggestions/requests are frequently being received from various field units with respect to launch of various modules of HRMS.

2. Suggestions have been considered in Board’s office at the level of DG/HR. In order to streamline and expedite the development and implementation of various modules of HRMS following guidelines are being issued : –

  1. Currently approved modules shall be designed by CRIS primarily keeping in view the requirements of field units and making the user interface simple to the extent possible providing due flexibility for varying procedures.
  2. If the field units desire to have modifications in the existing modules, they may consolidate their views on the modules and send the proposals to CRIS & Board with the approval of PCPOs in a self-contained note detailing the requirement and justification thereof. In case of conflict in the requirements or change in procedures, Railway Board will be the nodal authority to give clarification.
  3. In the case of modules which are under development, views of any of the selected Field Units may be taken into consideration by CRIS to ensure that the requirements and practices being followed by most field units are captured and reflected in the modules. CRIS officials should also consult the concerned ED and AM/PED in Railway Board when modules are under development.
  4. On completion of the development of the modules, before launching the same on Pan India Basis, modules may be tested on any of the select Railways and pilot launched as per necessity in consultation with the Board (respective ED and AM/PED and DG HR). Feedback thereof, when not conflicting with core rules and regulations, may be incorporated into the modules, after due deliberation. (In the case of Reservation module this is being adopted and launched on pilot basis in ER, NR, NWR and ICF w.e.f 16.5.2024).
  5. On launch of the modules, for ensuring the timely completion, the same shall be monitored at the level of PCPOs of respective Railways. In cases where Data entry is involved, this will be advised by the Board and PCPOs as per requirements will have the choice between outsourcing and utilising internal resources.
  6. In respect of demands for new modules to be developed in the HRMS system, as is being received from other offices, in line with the directives of CRB, CRIS is advised to forward all such proposals to Railway Board and a final decision shall be taken at the level of DG/HR after due examination.
  7. As far as handling the policy affairs and co-ordination of HRMS affairs in Railway Board is concerned, the existing set up will continue and DDPCVII&HRMS will be the nodal directorate for all such matters. All policy related aspects will continue to be handled by DDPCVII & HRMS through MPP directorate.
  8. The Committee and sub-committee constituted vide Board’s letter dated 25.9.2023 consisting of PCPOs/Dy.CPOs to oversee the implementation of HRMS. is discontinued.
  9. Any directives issued earlier which are in contravention of the above are superseded.

3. The aforesaid guidelines shall be followed for the development and implementation of various modules of HRMS.

(V. G. Bhooma)
Additional Member/HR
Railway Board
Email : amhrrb[at]
Ph: 011-47847174

Source: Indian Railways

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