Issue of Pensioner’s Identity card in prescribed format through online: SCR

Issue of Pensioner’s Identity card in prescribed format through online: South Central Railway Order dated 06.10.2022
Divisional Office,
Personnel Branch,
No. SCR/P-BZA/210/Pen.ID/IT cell
Dt: 06.10.2022
All Concerned/BZA Divn.
Sub : Issue of Pensioner’s Identity card in prescribed format through online — Reg.
Ref : Railway Bd’s letter No. E(W)2016/PS5-8/1 dt. 20.09.2019 (RBE No.154/2019)
Reference to the letter cited above, revised format for issuing of Pensioners’ Identity Card has been circulated. Keeping in view of the difficulties facing by the Pensioners to approach Divisional Office for obtaining Pensioner’s Identity Card under Railway Services (Pension) Rules, 1993 and under ‘National Pension System (NPS), the BZA Division has first ever designed and introduced a WEB Portal for issuing Pensioner’ Identity Card through Web Portal (Online). The same web portal will be available with the following URL from 07.10.2022 for applying the Pensioner’s Identity Card by the pensioners.
All pensioners are hereby advised to first register in the above said web portal duly furnishing the particulars of PPO No., registered mobile No., Designation & Station. Password should be created by the pensioner. On completion of registration, Pensioners should “login” with the credentials i.e. PPO number as “User ID” and “Password” created while registration by the pensioner. :
After “login” to Web Portal, the details of the pensioner i.e. Name, Address, Phone No., Blood Group, Type of Scheme, DOB, DOA, DOR etc. are to be entered and also upload the pensioner’s photo & copy of the PPO in JPEG format. The uploaded details of the pensioner will be verified by the verifying authority and the same will be forwarded to Competent Authority through Section In-charge for approval of issue of the Pensioner’s Identity Card.
On approval of competent authority, the same will be communicated to the pensioner through text message to the registered mobile number. Finally the pensioner has to “login” the web portal and download the Pensioner’s Identity Card.
The detailed flow chart for applying Pensioner’s Identity Card is enclosed for the ease of pensioners.
Encl: As above.
Source: SCR