Introduction of GDCE in Accounts Department: Railway Board

Introduction of General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE) in Accounts Department: Railway Board Order dated 26.11.2021
RBA No. 65/2021
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)
2021//AC II/20/GDCE
Dated: 26/11/2021
All Zonal Railways/PUs
Sub:- Introduction of General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE) in Accounts Department.
Please find enclosed a copy of RBE No. 86/2021, letter no.E(NG)I-2020/PM9/1 dated 24.11.2021 for information and necessary action.
Kindly acknowledge the receipt.
(Ajay Bartwal)
Joint Director Finance
Railway Board
RBE No.86/2021
(रेलवे बोर्ड RAILWAY BOARD)
No. E(NG)I-2020/PM9/1
New Delhi, dated, 24.11.2021
The General Manager (P)
All Zonal Railways &
Production Units
(As per standard list)
Sub: Introduction of General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE) in Accounts Department and Chief Law Assistant.
Ref: (i) Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-92/PM2/16 dated 20.08.1993
(ii) Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-2000/PM2/12 dated 21.08.2001
In terms of this Ministry’s letter No. E(NG)I-92/PM2/16 dated 20.08.93, the scheme of General Departmental Competitive Examination (GDCE) was introduced to fill up 25% of the net direct recruitment quota vacancies (for which indents are otherwise required to be placed on RRBs) in Group ‘C’ categories of staff. The scheme initially introduced for a period of one year, has been extended from time to time.
2. The scope of GDCE has hitherto excluded categories of Law Assistants, Catering Supervisors grade and Accounts cadres. This has been reviewed by the Board and it has been decided as follows:
(i) Staff of Accounts Department are allowed to appear in GDCE of other Departments.
(ii) Staff of other Departments are allowed to appear in GDCE of Accounts Department (for the post of Accounts Clerk and Junior Accountant Assistant) subject to the condition that those employees qualifying as Junior Accounts Assistant through GDCE, have to qualify Appendix-II IREM Examination in 2 chances within a period of 3 years. Failure to do so will render such employees to be appointed as Accounts Clerk. Further promotion of such employees to the post of Junior Accounts Assistant will be governed by extant promotion rules including qualifying Appendix-II IREM Examination. This provision must be clearly stipulated while inviting applications for Junior Accounts Assistant in the GDCE notification and an undertaking be obtained from applicants.
(ii) Above provision is applicable for a period of 2 years whereafter, this will be reviewed.
3. GDCE is permitted in the category of Law Assistants henceforth.
Please acknowledge receipt.
Hindi version will follow.
DA: Nil.
(Sanjay Kumar)
Deputy Director Estt.(N)
Railway Board