Interest Rate on House Building Advance (HBA) to Railway employees from 01.04.2023 to 31.03.2024

Interest Rate on House Building Advance (HBA) to Railway employees from 01.04.2023 to 31.03.2024: Railway Board Order RBE No. 65/2023 dated 02.05.2023
Government of India (भारत सरकार)
Ministry of Railways (रेल मंत्रालय)
Railway Board (रेलवे बोर्ड)
RBE No.65 / 2023
No. 2021/F(E)Spl./ADV.3/1
New Delhi, Dated: 02.05.2023
The General Managers and PFAs
All Indian Railways, Production Units & Public Sector Undertakings
(As per standard list)
Sub.: Interest Rate on House Building Advance(HBA) to Railway employees from 01.04.2023 to 31.03.2024.
A copy of Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoH&UA)’s OM No.I-17015/2(2)/2022/H.III/5 dated 27.03.2023 regarding the subject mentioned above is enclosed. These instructions shall be applicable mutatis-mutandis on the Railways.
2. Please acknowledge receipt.
(A.S. Bhasin)
Deputy Director Finance (Estt.)-IV
Railway Board
Encl.: As above
No. 2021/F(E)Spl./ADV.3/1
New Delhi, Dated: 02.05.2023
Copy (with 10 spares) forwarded to the Dy. Comptroller & Auditor General of India (Railways), Room No.224, Rail Bhawan.
for Member (Finance) / Railway Board
Source: Indian Railways