Furnishing information regarding number of employees opting for Festival Advance Scheme

Furnishing information regarding number of employees opting for Festival Advance Scheme – Railway Board Order No.2020/E(LL)/APW/4 dated 19.11.2020
(रेलवे बोर्ड)/ (RAILWAY BOARD)
New Delhi dated: 19.11.2020
The General Managers,
All Zonal Railways,
Metro Railway, Kolkata and PUs
Sub: Furnishing information regarding number of employees opting for Festival Advance Scheme.
Ref: Board’s letters of even number dated 16.10.2020 & 05.11.2020
A reference dated 03.11.2020 has been received from Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance on the above mentioned subject that the information regarding no. of employees opting for Festival Advance Scheme is to be furnished to them every month in the following format:
Total no. of employees | No. of employees opting for Festival Advance Scheme till date | No. of UTSAV cards issued till date by Bank in respect of Festival Advance | Remarks, if any |
2. In view of the above, the Railways are requested to send the current status immediately by 25.11.2020 and subsequent progress on 1st of every month in the above format at [email protected].
(Ms. Manju)
Director Estt.(LL)
Railway Board
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Special festival package to Government Servants – Disbursement of pre-paid UTSAV Card
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