Increments to medically decategorised running staff absorbed in stationary posts – NFIR

Non-grant of Increments to medically decategorised running staff absorbed in stationary posts – NFIR writes to Railway board
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen 3,
Affiliated to
Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
International Transport Workers Federation (ITF)
Dated: 01/08/2020
The Director General (HR), Railway Board, New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Non-grant of increments to medically decategorised running staff absorbed in stationary posts — reg.
Ref: (i) Railway Board’s letter No.PC-VII/2016/RSRP/4 dated 22/09/2016 (RBE .No.112/2016).
(ii) NFIR’s letter No.1/1/Pt.11 dated 24/02/2020 & 30/05/2020.
While enclosing copies of Federation’s letters dated 24th February, 2020 & 30th May, 2020 NFIR desires to convey once again that the medically decategorised running staff absorbed in the stationery pots are greatly disappointed over denial of annual increments. They are repeatedly pressing this organization to pursue the matter for allowing annual increments beyond the maximum of the pay, being unique problem.
In the Federation’s tenors dated 24th Feb,2020 and 30th May, 2020, specific cases of deprival of annual increments have been mentioned to facilitate the Railway Board to examine and take action for relaxing the extant provisions, enabling grant of annual increments and consequential benefits in those cases. It is however sad that although more than six months passed from the date of first letter of the Federation, there is no action on the genuine issue and there has been no reply also.
NFIR once again requests the Railway Board to kindly see that the case is dealt on priority for relaxing the extant provisions and allowing annual increments to those former Loco Running staff absorbed in stationery posts.
Yours faithfully
(Dr M.Raghavaiah)
General Secretary
Source: NFIR