Revision of Hourly Rates of Incentive Bonus & Bonus Factor in GIS

Revision of Hourly Rates of Incentive Bonus & Bonus Factor in Group Incentive Scheme (GIS)
Committee was constituted to Revise Hourly Rates of Incentive Bonus after the implementation of 7th Pay Commission. Com. Shiva Gopal Mishra/GS/AIRF and Com. L.N. Pathak Zonal Secretary/MCF represented staff side from All India Railwaymen’s Federation. Official Side has finalized its view on incentive bonus on CLW pattern.
Dated: February 7, 2019
The Secretary(E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Complete deviation from CLW Pattern Incentive Scheme and Revision of Bonus Factor in Group Incentive Scheme(GIS)
Ref.: Railway Board’s letter No.2018/M(W)/814/59 dated 05.02.2019
Railway Board’s letter referred to above, reflects scraping-up of CLW Pattern Incentive Scheme in the Workshops all over the Indian Railways made effective in the year 1961-62. Basic Policy of Production Control Organization (PCO), circulated by the Railway Board vide their letters dated 22.04.1963 and 13.09.1984 besides complete departure of the recommendations made on Group Incentive Scheme(GIS) by the Expert Group(RITES) to whom this task was initially handed over and modified version, time to time, has been implemented in different Production Units and Workshops not covered in CLW Pattern Incentive Scheme.
It will not be out of context to mention here that, this CLW Pattern Incentive Scheme was forcefully implemented by the Ministry of Railways(Railway Board), surrendering 33-1/3% of total staff strength of Workshops over the Indian Railways during the period(in the year 1961) when AIRF was derecognized in the wake of historical 1960 strike of the Central Government Employees, including the Railwaymen since All India Railwaymen’s Federation was opposing such huge reduction of staff strength and performance of duties in the Workshops affecting the human lives.
Board must relook the name of this scheme, i.e. “Hourly Rates of Incentive Bonus”, and not at all an Allowance, and basics of any scheme cannot be unilaterally changed. It is unfortunate that, in spite of our continuous efforts, Hourly Rates of Incentive Bonus Formula was diluted from the mean of the pay-scale to minimum of the pay-scales as also drastic cut in the allowed time, ignoring ILO norms many times. AIRF will not tolerate any further dilution, and to view as an Allowance, quoting irrelevant 7th CPC recommendations since it cannot be termed as an “Allowance”, and proposals of the Railway Board(from para 2.1.1 to 2.3.2), sent to this office, vide Board’s letter referred to above, is not acceptable to AIRF.
AIRF, therefore, desires that, a meeting of the committee should be convened immediately to discuss the issue threadbare since this has already been delayed inordinately and the workers of the PUs and Workshops are quite agitated.
Copy to: GSs, all affiliated unions – for information.
Source: airfindia