Revision of rate & guidelines for reimbursement of expenses on purchase of Hearing Aids under CS(MA) Rules, 1944 and CGHS: Railway Board

Revision of rate & guidelines for reimbursement of expenses on purchase of Hearing Aids under CS(MA) Rules, 1944 and CGHS: Railway Board Order dated 22.02.2022
MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (रेलवे मंत्रालय)
RAILWAY BOARD (रेलवे बोर्ड)
No. 2005/H/6-4/Policy
New Delhi, dated- 22.02.2022
General Manager(s)
All Indian Railways
(Including PUs & RDSO).
Sub: Revision of rate & guidelines for reimbursement of expenses on purchase of Hearing Aids under CS(MA) Rules, 1944 and CGHS.
Ref: (i) Ministry of Health & Family Welfare’s OM No. Z.11011/37/2019-EHS dated 01.12.2020. (Copy enclosed).
(ii) Railway Board’s letter of even number dated 10.10.2013.
The instructions contained in Ministry of Health & Family Welfare’s OM number Z.11011/37/2019-EHS dated 01.12.2020 are enclosed. The competent authority in the Ministry of Railways has decided to implement the instructions issued by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare mutatis-mutandis for Railway medical beneficiaries also with the following guidelines:-
(1) The beneficiaries covered under Railway medical attendance rules/RELHS shall be eligible to get reimbursement of purchase of hearing aids. The procurement of hearing aid for Railway beneficiaries by railway hospitals is discontinued hence-forth.
(2) Patients/beneficiaries should be properly referred to ENT Specialist of Railway/Government Hospital by Medical Officer.
(3) It would be mandatory to carry Railway beneficiary’s identity card (in original) whenever the Railway beneficiaries visit the Railway/Government ENT specialist for consultation and audiometric test.
(4) The ENT specialist of Railway/Government hospital shall then recommend a hearing aid on basis of Audiometric and Audio-logical assessment, specifying the type of hearing aids most suited for the beneficiary. The ‘Audiogram Report’ shall be authenticated by the ENT specialist. The recommendation shall be as per the categories approved under CGHS and not as per any Brand name.
(5) The permission to procure hearing aids/approval for reimbursement of the cost as per C.G.H.S rate shall be granted by the CMS/MD of Divisional/Central Hospital, as the case may be, and an ‘undertaking’ that the beneficiary has not been reimbursed the cost of hearing aids in the preceding five years.
This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Railway Board.
(Dr. Praval Pant) (डा. प्रवाल पंत)
Director/Ind. Health (नि./औ.स्वा.)
Railway Board (रेलवे बोर्ड)
Source: Indian Railways