Group ‘B’ Selection (70%) – Relaxations available to PWBD candidates: Railway Board

Group ‘B’ Selection (70%) – Relaxations available to PWBD candidates: Railway Board Order dated 27.02.2024
No 2022/2/20/PwBD
New Delhi, dated 27.02.2024
The General Manager,
S.E. Railway,
(Kind attn.: Shri Ravi Kumar, CPO(G)
Sub.: Group ‘B’ Selection (70%) – Relaxations available to PWBD candidates.
Ref.: SER’s letters No. SER/P-HQ/Gaz. Cell/260/IIACM 70%/2023-24 dated 04.01.2024 and 30.01.2024.
With reference to S.E. Railway’s aforementioned letter dated 04.01.2024, it is advised that the applicability of relaxed standards of suitability for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PWBDs) in line with relaxation available to SC/ST candidates as clarified vide DOP&T’s OM No.36035/1/2023-Estt.(Res-Il) dt.29.05.2023 has since been adopted in promotions from Group ‘C’ to Group ‘B’ posts vide Board’s letter No. E(GP)/2022/20/20 dated 08.02.2024.
2. So far as the date of applicability of these instructions is concerned, herein it is clarified that the guidelines followed for examinations of the current vacancy cycle of 01.01.2023 to 31.12.2024 may be followed for the Selection/LDCE under special drive also as it is a part of Selection and LDCE notified and concluded earlier for the said vacancy cycle. Besides in any case, these instructions shall also have to be followed for modifying the previous panels as in terms of Board’s letter of even number dated 14.02.2024, notional promotions to PwBD candidates have to be granted w.e.f. 30.06.2016.
3. Further, as regards applicability of ‘Best among Failed’ scheme for SC/ST in Selections to PwBD candidates, the instructions contained in Board’s aforesaid letter dated 08.02.2024 are quite explicit and need no further elucidation.
(Meenakshi Saluja)
Dy. Director Estt. (GP)III
Railway Board
Ph. No. 23047250