Grant of financial upgradation under MACPS to Guards – Railway Board Clarification

Grant of financial upgradation under MACPS to Guards – Railway Board Clarification: Financial upgradation under ACP/MACP scheme CANNOT be to higher Grade Pay than what can be allowed to an employee on his regular promotion
(Railway Board) रेलवे बोर्ड
No. PC-V/202 1/MACP/25/ECOR(E)
New Delhi, dt. -5-2023
The General Manager (P)
East Coast Railway,
The General Manager (P)
Central Railway,
Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus,
The General Manager (P)
Western Railway,
Churchgate, Mumbai.
Sub: – Clarification reg. grant of financial upgradation under MACPS to Guards.
Ref: – 1. ECoR’s letter No.ECoR-HQ/PERS(R)/16/202| (39/2021) dated 14-11-2011.
2. CR’s letter No. P/CR/HQ/ET/510/06-14 dated 31-01-2022.
3. WR’s letter No. ET/839/4/MACP/Train Manager/ADI, dated 24-] 1-202 & 18-01-2023.
The matter referred vide letter under reference has been examined in Board’s Office in consultation with FE dte. It hag been observed that Central Railway’s letter dated 30-01-2019 is against the extant policy instructions on MACPS. Moreover, the case of guards Category is covered vide Para 8 of annexure to Board’s letter dated 10.06.2009 (RBE No. 101/2009) & clarification dated 13-12-2012(RBE No. 142/2012) wherein case of employee where promotion post is in same Grade Pay to that of feeder post, financial upgradation under ACP/MACP scheme CANNOT be to higher Grade Pay than what can be allowed to an employee on his regular promotion. Subsequently, while adjudicating CA No. 3328-3329/2018 (UOI & Ors. Vs Birendra Kujur & Ors.) involving the issue of grant of GP 4600 / 4800 under MACPS to the category of Guards, the Hon’ble Supreme Court vide its order dated 27.03.2018 has upheld Board’s letter dated 13.12.2012 and rejected employees’ claim for grant of GP 4600 & GP 4800 under MACPS. In light of above, the category of Guard are not eligible for 3rd financial ungradation beyond GP 4200 under MACPS.
2, The necessary action in view of above may please be taken.
Signed by Sudha A Kujur
Date: 16-05-2023 16:42:00
( Sudha A. Kujur)
Deputy Director, Pay Commission
Room No. 6 A,
4th floor COFMOW Building
Tele No. 011-4784512]
Email ID: sudha.kujur[at]
Source: Indian Railways