Grant of ‘Additional Post Allowance’- Railway Board Clarification Order

Grant of ‘Additional Post Allowance’- Railway Board Clarification Order RBE No. 08/2023 dated 09.01.2023
Government of India (Bharat Sarkar)
Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya)
(Railway Board)
RBE No. 08/2023
No. 2021/F(E)Spl./FR/1/1
New Delhi, Dated: 09.01.2023
The General Managers and PFAs
All Indian Railways & Production Units
(As per standard list)
Sub: Grant of ‘Additional Post Allowance’- clarification reg.
Ref: Letter No. F(E)Spl./2019/FR/1/3 (7th CPC) dated 05.09.2018 (RBE No. 128/2018).
Pursuant to abolition of “dual charge allowance” and replaced of the same with “additional post allowance”, instructions were issued to railways vide letter under reference circulating an OM dated 08.8.2018 from DoP&T for mutatis-mutandis adoption.
2. Para 3(e) of aforesaid instructions stipulates as under:-
(i) This arrangement cannot continue for a particular vacant post for more than one year and for a particular employee for more than six months at a stretch; and
(ii) There shall be a minimum gap of one year between two such successive appointments of a particular employee.
3. It has come to the notice of this Ministry that despite specific instructions as brought out above, additional charge being made/ continued beyond the stipulated period of one year (for a particular post)/ six months (for a particular employee) in some cases. Although, in such cases APA is being paid maximum for six (06) months only to a particular employee holding the additional charge, but the arrangement beyond the period stipulated in the said instructions is in deviation to the instructions.
4. The provisions of para-3(e) of instructions circulated vide RBE No. 128/2018 are, therefore, being reiterated and should be adhered to strictly.
(A.S. Bhasin)
Deputy Director Finance (E)-IV
Railway Board
Source: Indian Railways