Filling up of posts of Accounts Stock Verifiers (ASVs)- allowing Appendix-2 IREM qualified Accounts Clerks and Jr. Shroffs

Filling up of posts of Accounts Stock Verifiers (ASVs)- allowing Appendix-2 IREM qualified Accounts Clerks and Jr. Shroffs: Railway Board
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)
RBA No. 08/2022
2019/ /AC II/ CC/ 37/ 9
Dated: 31/ 01/ 22
The Principal Financial Advisers
(All Zonal Railways & Production Units)
Sub:- Filling up of posts of Accounts Stock Verifiers (ASVs)- allowing Appendix-2 IREM qualified Accounts Clerks and Jr. Shroffs to be posted as Accounts Stock Verifiers.
Ref: (i) Board’s letter No. 93/ AC-II/ 20/ 22 dated 10/ 10/97.
(ii) Board’s letter No. E/ P&A) I-2007/ FE-2/ 1 dated 24/ 3/ 2009 (RBE No. 55/ 09) .
(iii) Board’s letter No . 2000/ AC-II/ 20 / 23 (Vol-I) dated 16/9/ 09 (RBA No. 44 / 2009) .
(iv) Board’s letter No. 2000 / AC-II / 20/ 23 (Vol-I) dated 22 /9 / 09 (RBA No. 45/ 2009) .
(v) Board’s letter No. E(P&A) I-2011/ SP-I/ AC-I dated 16/ 12/ 14 (RBE No. 144/2014) .
(vi) Board’s letter No. 2000/ AC-II / 20 / 23(Pt) dated 24 / 2 / 2015 (RBE No. 16/ 2015) .
The matter regarding non- availability of Accounts Stock Verifiers (ASV) on Railways has been under consideration of Board for some time. The issue has been examined in consultation with Establishment Directorate.
It has been decided to relax the conditions relating to mode of filling of the posts of Accounts Stock Verifiers/ ASV . Accordingly, Recruitment Rules of Accounts Stock Verifiers (ASVs) Appendix-IV / Indian Railway Establishment Manual / Volume-I (Revised Edition- 1989) First Reprint Edition-2009 may be modified as per ACS (Advance Correction Slip) No . 276 enclosed.
These instructions will take effect from the date of issue of letter.
D A: As above.
(Ajay Bartwal)
Joint Director Finance/ CCA Railway Board
ACS NO 2 7 6 & DATE 25 /01/ 2022
Existing Para | Modified Para |
(i)” Promotion of persons holding the post of Accounts Assistant in Grade Rs.1400-2600 in the office of Financial Adviser & Chief Accounts Officers to the rank of Stock Verifiers will be on the considerations of seniority and merit including fitness for outdoor works. | (i) “Promotion of persons holding the post of Accounts Assistant, L-6- (7th CPC) in the office of Principal Financial Adviser to the rank of Accounts Stock Verifiers (ASVs), L-6 (7th CPC) will be on the consideration of seniority and merit including fitness for outdoor works. |
(ii) Failing which persons holding substantively the posts of Junior Accounts Assistants in Grade Rs.1200- 2040 with a minimum of 2 years service in that grade may be considered on the same basis . In the case of Junior Accounts Assistants, promotion to the rank of stock verifiers will not be made unless they have passed the examination prescribed m Appendix 2(IREM). The condition of passing the examination prescribed in Appendix -2 IREM by JAAs holding the post substantively with a minimum of 2 years service in that grade before they can be promoted to the rank of stock verifiers, may be relaxed m special cases under the sanction of the General Manager. | (ii) Failing which by persons holding substantively the posts of Junior Accounts Assistants, L-5 (7th CPC) with a minimum of 2 years service in that grade may be considered for promotion as Accounts Stock Verifiers (ASVs) . In the case of Junior Accounts Assistants, promotion to the rank of Accounts Stock Verifiers (ASV) / L-6 will not be made unless they have passed the examination prescribed in Appendix II(IREM). The condition of passing the examination prescribed in Appendix-II IREM by JAAs holding the post substantively with a minimum of 2 years service in that grade before they can be promoted to the rank of ASV may be relaxed in special cases with the sanction of the General Manager. |
(iii) In case no volunteer from Accounts Assistants/ Jr. Accounts Assistants are available, staff of Cash & Pay department working in Grade Pay from Rs. 2400 / – up to Rs. 4200 / – provided they have rendered at least 5 years of service and have also passed Appendix- 2 IREM examination. | (iii) In case no volunteers from Accounts Assistants/ Jr. Accounts Assistants are available, staff of Cash & Pay department working Level 4 up to Level 6 (7th CPC) provided they have rendered at least 5 years of service and have also passed Appendix-II !REM examination. The condition of passing the examination prescribed in Appendix-II IREM by staff of Cash & Pay department working in Level 4 up to Level 6 (7th CPC) holding the post substantively with a minimum of 5 years service in that grade before they can be promoted to the rank of ASV may be relaxed in special cases with the sanction of the General Manager. |
(iv) If eligible staff (i.e. Accounts Assistants/Jr. Accounts Assistants & staff of Cash & Pay department) from GP Rs. 2400/ – upto GP Rs.4200/ – are not available, by Appendix-2 IREM qualified Accounts Clerks, PB-1/ Pay Scale Rs. 5200-20200/ Grade Pay Rs. 1900/ – with 5 years of regular service in Accounts department. | (iv) If eligible staff (i.e. Accounts Assistants/ Jr. Accounts Assistants & staff of Cash & Pay department) from Level 4 upto Level 6 (7th CPC) are not available, by Appendix-II !REM qualified Accounts Clerks, Level 2 (7th CPC) with 5 years of regular service in Accounts department.
The condition of passing the examination prescribed in Appendix-II IREM by Accounts Clerks working in Level 2 (7th CPC) holding the post substantive ly with a minimum of 5 years service in that grade before they can be promoted to the rank of ASV may be relaxed in special cases with the sanction of the General Manager. |
(v) In case volunteer from Appendix-2 IREM qualified Accounts Clerks, PB- 1/Pay Scale Rs. 5200-20200 / Grade Pay Rs.1900/- with 5 years of regular service in Accounts department are also not available, by Appendix-2 IREM qualified Jr. Shroff, PB-1 / Pay Scale Rs. 5200-20200 / Grade Pay Rs. 1900/ – with 5 years’ service in Grade Pay Rs. 1900/ -. | (v) In case volunteers from Appendix-II !REM qualified Accounts Clerks, Level 2 (7th CPC) with 5 years of regular service in Accounts department are also not available, by Appendix-II !REM qualified Jr. Shroff, Level 2 (7th CPC) with 5 years’ service in Level 2(7h CPC).
The condition of passing the examination prescribed in Appendix-II !REM by Jr. Shroff, Level 2 (7th CPC) working in Leve l 2 (7th CPC) holding the post substantively with a minimum of 5 years service in that grade before they can be promoted to the rank of ASV may be relaxed in special cases with the sanction of the General Manager. |