Extension of deputation period beyond 3rd year/4th year who have joined PSUs: Railway Board

Extension of deputation period beyond 3rd year/4th year who have joined PSUs before issuance of Board’s letter dated 26.06.2018
RBE No. 01/2022
No. E(NG)I-2018/DP/25
New Delhi, dated 06.01.2022
The General Managers (P)
All Zonal Railways & Production Units
Sub: Extension of deputation period beyond 3rd year/4th year who have joined PSUs before issuance of Board’s letter dated 26.06.2018.
Ref: i) Board’s letter No. F(E)IZ/2018/Dep/1(1)/1 dated 26.06.2018
ii) Board’s letter of even number dated 31.01.2019 and 04.09.2019
Kindly refer to Board’s letter No. F(E)II/2018/Dep./1(1)/1 dated 26.06.2018 specifying that the initial deputation tenure for non-gazetted railway servant would henceforth be five years. It has been decided that all cases of extension of deputation of staff upto 5 years may be decided by Zonal Railways considering the instructions issued in 2018.
(Sanjay Kumar)
Deputy Director Estt. (N)
Railway Board
Ph. No. – 43658/011-23303658
E mail Id- sanjay.kumar6[at]gov in
Copy to :- The CMDs/MDs, All PSUs (as per standard list) & NHSRCL, MD, CRIS, New Delhi, The Vice Chairman, RLDA, New Delhi for information. It may kindly be ensured that arrangement for relief are made well in time so that there is no overstay beyond 5 years limit for Railway employee on deputation.