Earmarking of reservation quota for persons with disabilities (PwD) in reserved Second Sitting (2S)/ air-conditioned Chair Car (CC): Railway Board

Earmarking of reservation quota for persons with disabilities (PwD) in reserved Second Sitting (2S)/ air-conditioned Chair Car (CC): Railway Board Commercial Circular No. 7 of 2023 dated 31.03.2023
RAILWAY BOARD (रेलवे बोर्ड)
No, 2023/TG-V1 1/02
New Delhi, dated 34.03.2023
Principal Chief Commercial Managers,
Zonal Railways.
(Commercial Circular No: 7 of 2023)
Sab: Earmarking of reservation quota for persons with disabilities (PwD) in reserved Second Sitting (2S)/ air-conditioned Chair Car (CC)
Ref: (i) CC no. 53 of 2017 dated 14.07.2017
(ii) CC no. 19 of 2022 dated 26.09.2022
In supersession of all the instructions issued regarding earmarking of reservation quota in different classes for Persons with Disabilities (PwDs/Divyangjans) and their attendant, it has been decided to earmark the following reservation quota for them in those Mail/Express trains in which PwDs have been allowed to book reserved tickets on concession:
(i) Four berths in Sleeper class (two lower and two middle)
(ii) Two berths in 3 AC (one lower and one middle)
(iii) Two berths in 3E class (one lower and one middle) (in those trains in which there is no 3A class and only 3E class coaches have been attached).
(iv) Four berths in-SLRD coach of Garib Rath Express trains on full fare. (two lower and two upper)
(v) Two seats in reserved Second Sitting (2S)/ air-conditioned Chair Car (CC) in those trains which have more than two coaches of these classes.
2. Necessary instructions may be issued to all concerned accordingly. Wide publicity about this provision should be given through all available means for information of general public.
(Sanjay Manocha)
Director Passenger Marketing-II
Railway Board
Ph. No.:011-23047367
Email id: manocha.421sanjay[at]gov.in
4th Floor, Room No: 415-A
Source: Indian Railways